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I woke up, with something heavy on me, and something hard pressed against me. My eyes shot open and I recognized my ceiling, but why was there something in the corner of my eye and why was there so much pressure on my chest? I started slightly, as I realized that there was a guy half sprawled out on top of me and the hard thing I was feeling was his fucking boner on my upper thigh.

My heart beat sped up.

Holy shit.

Holy shit...holy shit.

His groan warmed my left ear and quickly, I moved my arms and pushed him off of me. I sat up slowly, and brushed the hair from my face, barely able to open my eyes fully. I felt slightly like hell, but it made me feel better knowing I still had my clothes on.

I got off the bed and turned around. It was Alexander Leona. I ruffled my hair, and looked around the room for my phone.

What time was it?

Light shinned through the window, so it must have been day time. I spotted my phone on the ground by my feet, and scooped it up.

The time flashed on my screen.

8:37 am

I sighed, and blew the hair from my face. I looked at Alex and looked him over. He was hot, I almost wished I had slept with him. Last night was kind of a blur. Nothing but quiet faces in my memory.

I had nothing to do all day, except watch tv, write, and wait for him to wake up. I peered closely at his face. He looked out

I headed over to my closet, and grabbed a tank top and black Adidas shorts. I did not smell good, so first thing first I needed a shower.

I stepped out of the shower, going through my text messages and drying my hair with a mini towel. There was a text from Royce.

I'll be over by 12. Can't wait to see your apartment again. Can we fuck it up like we did last time?

Sent 11:45 pm

I licked my bottom lip. It was my turn, which meant he was only texting me because I texted him. I scrolled up in our conversation. Nope. Nothing.

Hm...did I see him somehow last night?

The place we drank at must have been close to where he worked at. Where did he work?

I had no idea, but that sexy ass suit gave me a slight idea. Damn, I wanted him again. I chucked slightly, tonight I would have him.

I could already imagine running my tongue down his chest, and his hands squeezing my breasts. I could imagine us fucking on the carpet, my back exposed, while I was on my knees, feeling every inch of him.

I slapped the towel on my shoulder and bit my bottom lip. I started to make my way to the kitchen, when my roommate's door opened, and he leaned against the door frame with crossed arms.

"Is that guy in there the one who's been fucking you relentlessly?" Yeith said, grinning at me with his curly brown hair falling in his face.

"No," I said rolling my eyes. "But that is a guy I wouldn't mind fucking. Did you break up with that girl yet?"

"What is she talking about?" A high pitches voice suddenly said, from his bed room. He shot me a panicked look and turned back towards the voice. I felt my eyes widen slightly. "You were going to dump me? What would you have done if I hadn't wanted to fuck you?" The girl was beautiful, short black hair like my own, short and curvy. Before Yeith could answer, she pushed him away and brushed past me heading for the door about 50 feet away.I turned my head to watch her, and then turned my head to find Yeith just staring after her.

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