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happy Halloween  💛
stay safe out there!
hope you enjoy this chapter and comment your thoughts 🤗🌹💔

His soft hands gripped my breasts as he nibbled on my neck. I could feel the bulge coming from his pants and I felt a satisfied smile cross my lips. He wanted me, and just me. I could literally feel the evidence.

I could feel his hot breath on my collarbone as he pulled down the sleeve of my dress, exposing half of my black, lace bra. The cushion on the couch sunk further down as he ground his erection against my hips. I gasped, and he bit down on my shoulder. He moved us, abruptly so that I was on my knees and his erection was pressed against my butt. His gripped my ass with firm hands and started to grind. I gasped at how hard he was, and eventually moved with him. As a result of our moving in sync he started to feel even harder.

Shit, I needed this.

We quickly picked up speed, and the sounds of his moans filled the apartment. Thank god my roommate was out of town at the moment. His hands massaged my ass, which only seemed to turn him on further, and I could feel the effect from the sound of him moaning throughout my whole body. His whole body shuddered as he released everything onto me.

He then leaned down, so he was on top of me, pushed my hair to the side and bit down on my shoulder.

After that I didn't remember anything. I was suddenly on my own bed, stark naked and with thick arms around me. I could also feel a certain part pressed against my ass. The curtain was slightly open, and the sun was blinding me. I squinted as my mind raced to figure out who was lying behind me. I ran through the events of last night very carefully in my mind.

Royce had used me to taunt his sister's girlfriend, and I realized that I liked him more than I should have. I stormed out, and he followed me. I haunted him by saying something. I couldn't remember exactly what I said. I called someone, and then I called someone else. Did I call both people? I couldn't remember that either. I ended up at a club. I had a few drinks and danced like a whore for a while. Then, I was with some guy. I think I knew him...

My body ached, which told me that we definitely fucked and hard at that. 

I groaned, suddenly realizing how bad I had to pee. Slowly, I unwrapped their arms around me and got up. I was, indeed stark naked, but...what was that red stain on the sheets?


I ran over to my drawer, grabbing fresh clothes and then headed straight to the bathroom. I grabbed a pad from under the sink and then proceeded to change into black joggers, and a white crop top. I looked at myself in the mirror for a few seconds. My makeup was a bit smeared, and I looked like I hadn't slept a ton. Nothing washing my face and a little make up couldn't fix.

So, I did just that.

I washed my face, and then just put a tad of concealer on.  I looked at myself again, and exhaled.

Much better.

I moved to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There was almost nothing left. Just a half drunk Vitamin Water and left over Thai food.


I moved the food into a bowl, covered it and put it in the microwave. I put in 2 minutes and leaned against the island. Then, the doorbell rang.

I glanced at the time quickly.


Early delivery?

I made my way over to the intercom and pushed the button. "Hello?"

"Linette let me in we need to talk." I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was a little rough, as if he'd had a rough nights sleep. I could almost imagine it. His hair didn't look as perfect as normal, and his tie wasn't as straight as normal. He had one hand against the door, as he spoke into the intercom. His desperation, I could see it.

"I'm busy."

"Busy with who?" It almost didn't sound like a question.

I paused, and let him agonize for a few moments.

"Just busy." Abruptly, my stomach started to ache reminding me that I was a woman. "I have class soon, and you have a job." I quickly let go of the intercom and headed back to the kitchen to take some pain meds. I had class at 11, and needed to hurry. 

I headed back to my room, and stared down at a sleeping Alexander. He had spread out, and a part of leg was sticking out.  His hair was messy, and he was biting his lip in his sleep. The only thing I was worried about was the red stain on the bed. It wasn't crazy, but it was noticeable. I stood there for a minute or two trying to come up with a plan, when one came to me.

I carefully, climbed onto the bed so I was over him. I lowered myself so that my chest was pressing against his semi-erection. The sheets were so thin, I could feel the warmth coming from him easily. I started to move my chest, and quickly moans started to erupt from his lips.  He was still kind of asleep though, so I leaned up and started massaging him with my hand. His left hand clenched the sheets, and his closed eyes tightened in agony.

As, he wasn't expecting it, I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned to the right. We turned, and my back hit the ground. He carefully, landed on his hands, maneuvered his body in a way so that he wouldn't land on me. I groaned, shutting my eyes in pain. I expected it wouldn't be fun, but I didn't think I would get such a shock.

"Are you ok?" Alexander asked, peering down at me, concerned. My heart skipped a little beat, at the seriousness in his eyes. A moment passed before I realized we were in missionary position. My legs were open wide, and he no longer had anything covering him, so his erection was pressed against me. I could feel my body starting to get hot as his arousal started to turn me on.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but uh..." I glanced down and he followed my gaze with his eyes. Once he figured out what I was looking at, he dragged his eyes back to me. Except now, there was a certain aura of cockiness.

"You don't like it?" He asked, leaning further down, placing his lips on my neck. "Are you sure?" He moved his lips and bit my neck slightly. I moaned a little, but moved my hands so they were pressed against his bare chest. He started to pull down my pants, but my hands caught his in motion.

"I'm on my period. It came a little early." As I was talking I realized how relieved I was that it came. It meant that I wasn't pregnant.

"Oh..." He nodded, and then cocked his head to the side. "Did we have sex when you were on your period?"

"...I honestly don't know. Even if we did, it probably wasn't a lot of blood." He nodded again, and then suddenly pulled away from me.

"What time is it?"

"I think it's about 10 now." He grinned, and leaned down towards me. I could see the intent in his eyes. I brought a hand against his chest and stopped him.

"I have class at 11, and I don't want to have to fix my hair again." He pouted his bottom lip, and I felt a lady boner coming on. I looked at the ceiling.


"But let's make out a little longer."

The words left my lips before I even thought them.

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