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"S—she knows, Royce." I couldn't see her broken expression through her curly brown hair. She was slumped over on a wooden chair in front of the dining table.

"Knows what?" I asked timidly.

"She knows about our affair." I blinked, and felt my heart turn.


"She doesn't know it was you specifically, but she knows it happened. She's living with a coworker at the time being. What am I supposed to do? I want her to trust me again."

"I don't know Mia," I mumbled. "I don't know. You could just promise it was a one time thing." It hurt saying those words.

"That's true,"she mumbled back. "I could. I ended it anyway. She should have read that part as well."


"I wrote it down in my diary." I nodded. That made sense. She was a journalist after all. She lifted her head and turned to look at me. I felt my breathing hitch. She looked so...beat. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. Her nose was also red. Her mascara had run a bit. She sniffles and wiped her nose. "Sorry, Royce. I know I look awful. Thank you so much for coming. I really needed you." I felt my heart pick up speed.

She finally needed me, but it still didn't mean what I wanted it to.

"So," she started. "Are you dating anyone? A handsome man like yourself?" It was clear she was trying to lighten the mood, but in doing so was only making everything hurt more.

I cleared my throat and broke eye contact. "We're not really dating, but I'm seeing this girl. She goes to the university around here." Her eyes widened slightly.

"Oh! Wow. You really are a catch. I'd love to meet her." I imagined them meeting in my head. They were so different. Mia was very feminine, and wore dresses. Meanwhile, Linette was sexy, and wore tight things when she felt like it. She had a crude sense of humor, was thick, unlike Mia and slightly standoffish. I didn't see them getting along at all. "Or, whenever you're ready." She said afterwards. Clearly sensing my discomfort.

"Yeah, of course. I guess it could help give a reason for you two to spend time together." She nodded at me, a smile in her eyes.

It hurt.

I pulled out my phone and glanced at the time. "Well, uh, I have to go. I'll call you later." I didn't wait for a response. I got out of there and let the wind dry my watering eyes.

I couldn't help but comfort her. Even if it hurt me like crazy. Even if I'd never really mean anything to her.

Maybe...maybe I would make that dinner happen.

I needed to see if everything was really over for us, and Linette could help me do that. It was my turn anyway, right?

I sighed and pushed my hair from my face. It was all messy. My shirt wasn't even properly buttoned. I'd rushed over here.

I put in all this effort that wasn't even being acknowleded.

I shook my head.

It didn't even matter. I needed to go to work.

I took a step towards my car and for some reason the image of Linette last night being fucked by me, jumped into my head. The feeling of my hands pushing against her thighs to hold them up. The feeling of her around me. Jesus. Her moans filled my ears as I felt my face get red and my body get hot. I hurried to my car, feeling myself harden.

I needed to stop thinking about her or I was going to have to masturbate, which I didn't want to do.

I stared at my put together reflection. I'd fixed my hair and total apperance but my boner was still there. I sighed and turned, looking at the stalls of the bathroom. Guess I really was going to have to take care of things the old fashioned way.

I entered the stall and turned so my back was against the door. I pulled my pants down, along with my underwear and he came rocketing out. Damn, I was so hard. I wished Linette was here now so we could fuck in this stall.

I felt myself get even harder.

No, no. I needed to save my turn for the dinner.

I gripped myself and a wave of pleasure came over me. I thought about Linette sucking me off and gagging on my dick. I throbbed and started moving my hand faster. I thought about pounding into her over and over and over again. I thought about her breath on my neck and how badly I loved fucking her from behind. Nothing could beat that view of her ass.



I came and watched the semen drip into the toilet. I raised a hand and rested it on the wall of the stall, gasping.

That felt so fucking good.

I was so horny.

Goddamn it.

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