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I stood on the curb for a few moments processing what had just happened. Under that anger in her eyes, her voice and her actions I could see it.


I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Damn it.

This was so embarrassing.

All I wanted was to show Mia that I didn't need her, but that failed.

Now, Linette was going to find someone else to fuck.

Damn it!

I needed to find her. I needed to apologize. Maybe, this whole thing was really a dumb idea. I hadn't thought about Linette at all. I hadn't considered her.

I needed to talk to her, which meant I needed to figure out where she was going.  I looked in the direction she had gone. I could barely see her truck. She must have gotten stuck at the light, and that was the only reason I could still see her.

I cursed under my breath and sprinted to my car, pulling the keys out of my pocket.

I followed her for about 6 miles until she arrived at some club. Young men and women were sprinkled in front of the club with a drunk look to them. They were loud too. Most but not all girls wore tight and short dresses, with heels that looked as if one misstep would send them to the hospital.

She parked her car and then waited by the curb until this woman that looked around her age approached her with the black dress that Linette had taunted me with. Linette beamed at the girl and I watched them disappear into the club.

I thought about following her inside, but keeping watch meant that I could intercept easily and stop her from leaving with anyone. 

I sat on edge for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes had passed I leaned back in my leather seat and turned on the radio, tapping my finger on the wheel to the beat. Another 30 minutes passed and by now I was practically asleep. My eyes were barely open as I watched the entrance to the club. The only thing that had changed was the amount of vomit on the curb.

I sighed and changed the radio to a classical music station. Four Seasons: Winter by Vivaldi was playing. I shut my eyes for an extra second and then opened them. I shot straight up. There she was, and she had someone in tow.

He looked slightly familiar.

I'd seen him before I just didn't remember where.

My hands clenched on the wheel as I watched her wrap her arms around his neck and pull him down towards her so she could place a lust filled kiss on his lips. I could practically see him melting from her fire and as she lit him aflame as did I with fury.

He wrapped his arms around her, and grabbed her ass with his left hand. She gasped and deepened the kiss until she had her tongue in his mouth.




My right hand slammed into the steering wheel and almost everyone drunkinly turned towards me. Including Linette. I froze as her gaze zeroed in on me, but the tilt of her head told me she was too drunk to know it was me.

The guy next to her, pulled her back towards him. He lost his hands in her hair as he kissed her. I knew that kind of kiss. Whoever this was, it wasn't just a coincidence she chose him. They knew each other, and at least one had feelings for the other.


In my mind I pictured myself stomping across the street and ripping him away from her. I imagined taking her back to my place and fucking her until she knew she couldn't be satisfied from anyone else. But in turn, by feet didn't move. They were frozen.

Unwilling to move.

Unwilling to stop her.

Or maybe they knew it wasn't my place.

I sat on my black leather couch staring numblessly at the tv in front of me. Some sitcom was on where the audience would laugh every five seconds but I wasn't paying any attention. All I could think about was Linette and that guy having sex right now.

The image of her being pressed up against some wall by another guy made me ball up my fist so tight my knuckles were starting to change color.

"Fuck!" I screamed, releasing the fist.

I didn't want anyone else to be able to pleasure her. That was only for me and for me only.

Except, it wasn't.

She could fuck whoever she wanted to, because being exclusive wasn't in the deal.

We had sex and that was it.

So, why was I so suddenly unsatisfied?

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