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I sat across Thompson as he poured the boss, Mr. Ponul another drink. It was clear to everyone at the table that he was sucking up to him, and maybe actually sucking him considering Mr. Ponul was bisexual.

I glanced at my phone in my lap.


Did she usually come here at this time?

I asked myself, glancing at the table where I'd seen her. She was with someone. He was a little shorter than me, and wore skinny jeans. His hair was down and fell in his forehead. When I'd locked eyes with her, I'd felt his eyes on me. Monolids and a dark gaze that sent threatening chills down my back.

He was on his knees in front of her, and looked as if he were getting ready to put shoes on her.


I'd dragged my gaze from them and continued walking with my coworkers.

Now, here I was: stuck, stone faced, and especially annoyed. Although, company gatherings were something I should have been used to. We gathered, got drunk, talked shit about every higher up except for the one with us, and talked about which female employees we'd do in the bathroom and or have done. Owin held the record of five. He was a true man slut and that didn't effect him negatively at all.

None of us were married except for one: Jacob. He seemed nice, and sweet and happy in his marriage until I'd heard him cheating on his wife, Ariel. With Johnson's male secretary. Then, I couldn't look at him the same way. I noted the cardigans suddenly, and polka dotted ties. He was a different person.

Or he never changed.

He claimed to never go out with us because he had obligations to his wife.

I didn't believe that anymore.

"Royce," someone called, causing me to lift my head. "You ok?" It was Thompson, in mid-pour. His brows were furrowed as the liquid sloshed from the bottle. I blinked and then nodded, scratching the back of my neck.

I just don't want to be here.

"Yeah," I said, doing my best to sound convincing. "I just—there's a game on later. So, I wanted to catch it."

"That's too bad!" Mr. Ponul said, his cheeks slightly flushed and his eyes a little bit crossed. "It's important to gather and drink like this. We have to grow closer as a Firm."

I almost rolled my eyes at him. 

"Grow closer." Obviously, meant have everyone treat him like he was holy and try to no avail to get promoted. 

I just nodded and pushed my shot glass to the right for Fergus. He didn't question it. He gripped the glass with his meaty fingers and downed the burning alcohol. To him it must have tasted like cotton candy.

I dropped my right cheek in my right palm and exhaled slowly. I was bored. That was bad.

Pretty soon, I'd start to think of—.

Her face popped into my mind as if I'd conjured her.

Curly brown hair, and a petite face along with a petite body.

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