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merry Christmas 💛
and enjoy 🥴

I leaned back into my chair, and set down my pen on the pile of cases I had to review. I shut my eyes and exhaled.

Linette didn't want to see me right now, and it was killing me.

I just wanted her back. Body and soul.

She slept with someone else last night.

My pants tightened at the thought of her being fucked, but that quickly went away when I realized she had not been fucked by me.

I needed to try one more time.

I needed to talk to her.

I needed her.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and tried to remember just which college she attended. We didn't talk much about her student life. That, would be dangerous. Learning about each other.

Now, I was regretting it.

"Yo, Roy. Soooo, there's this new client that's asking for you."

Where did she go to school?

"How many colleges are nearby?" 

"Just one, and it's about 15 minutes away by car. Why? Lookin' for some ass?"

"What's it called?"

"I don't know...St....something." Thompson paused, and I turned to look at him.

"There's a new client."

"Yes, and she's hot. I really want to hook up with her, so I need someone else to handle her case." I smirked at him a little.

"Well, I have ass already, and you need to practice some self restraint so...have fun." I grabbed my keys off my desk and rose. "It's 12, so I'm taking my lunch break. I'll be back...later."

"Ugh, who is this girl you're constantly thinking about? Is it the same one that has had you depressed for the past couple years?"

"No, and she isn't like that girl. Now, I have to go."

There was a look in Thompson's eye I had never seen before, but my mind was too clustered to focus on what it meant.

I approached the college slowly. It was called St. Gabriel's College which was weird considering Gabriel was an angel. The same angel that Muhammad had talked to in the mountains or something like that. It was an extremely modern building was even stranger.

There was a middle aged woman sitting at the front desk, who looked up when I came in. As soon as she saw me something in her gaze shifted. She was attracted to me.

"Hi, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Linette's Uncle and I have a little birthday present for her. Do you have any idea where she would be?"

She kept my gaze silently for a moment. Clearly knowing that she shouldn't just trust me. Eventually she spoke.

"Her Chinese class ends in 5, which should be how long it'll take you to get there. It's on the fourth floor. When you get off the elevator turn right and it's the second door down the hall."

I smiled at her, and she seemed to inhale sharply.

"Thank you." I didn't wait for a response. I wanted to give Linette her birthday present at all costs.

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