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please leave a vote and a comment...or just one lmao but either way if you like me this story and you want me to continue it please give it some support <3

also lmao I just took a dom or sub quiz and got dom

I sat, my eyes on the computer screen in front of me. My fingers tapping rythmatically on the desk. It was only 11am. I was bored, so bored. I couldn't even do anything until one of collegues revised a form I needed one of my clients to sign.

As I sat, in my glass cube, on my black leather seat, I started to hear...moans? I glanced around quickly. I was alone though. Abruptly, rough hands came down on my shoulders and I jumped a little. Black hair, entered my peripheral vision and I felt a wave of familiarity wash over me as a familiar fragrance reached my nose. Soft lips, pressed against my ear, and gentle exhale caressed lightly against my skin. I could feel my pants getting tighter as her arms lowered, and I became hyper aware of the tiny bit of cloth separating her arms from my chest. My heart pulsed, and I my eyes shut willingly as her hand slid up my chest, and wrapped around my neck.

Even with shut eyes, I could see her placing herself on my lap. Her hand moved with her, as she moved so she was in front of me. I opened my eyes, because I needed to see her, but more darkness greeted me. Gracefully, she threw a leg over my own and sat down on me. She dropped her hands from my neck and instead gripped my shoulders. I moaned, as she ground her hips, and my hands instantly shot out and gripped her thighs. She ground again, and I gritted my teeth in a motion of pleasure and extreme pain. I wanted her so bad. She pushed herself forwards and her lips found my neck.

My eyes rolled back, and I cocked my head to the side, opening my neck even more. Swiftly, she pulled back, and suddently I could see. It was...Linette. Her black hair, held a slight wave and it was long. It fell down to her waist, and something about it made her seem like a princess. In this lighting her skin looked tanner, and I loved it. Plump, and rosey lips taunted me.

"It's over between us." My heart tightened and my eyes shot up to meet her gaze.

"What?" I asked, staring back at her unfeeling eyes. No emotion showed in them. The only thing I could see in her eyes was my own reflection. She leaned in closer then, and somehow my eyes never left her's but I became hyper aware of the black brallette she had on, and the black lace underwear. Her exposed skin that I just wanted to run my hands along. Her lips were now inches away.

"This is the last time we'll ever meet each other. So, let's not let this waste."

She leaned closer again, and her lips trailed from my neck up to my lips. The feeling of her lips on my jawline burned my skin.

"Royce." A new voice said suddenly. I blinked at her, my brows furrowing.

"Dude. Get the fuck up."

Heavy hands slammed down on my shoulders and I shot up. My black screen met my eyes first. I was in my office. I ran a hand through my hair, and glanced at Thompson who was staring at me with amused green eyes.

"Must have been a hot dream. Get up, I got us lunch with those girls from that makeup business next door."

"Why don't you ask Rob? He loves those girls."

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