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if you like the story pls give it some love it's hard for me to continue writing w/ no motivation and I'd rather not just abandon it or delete it

"You know," My roomate said, eyeing the hickey on my neck. "Every now and then you vanish and I see you with some mark on your body. Are you being abused or is it just sex?"

"I'm being abused sexually." I said, bending over to grab a Caprison. "But I like it that way. Does that answer your question?"

"Who is it, Ms. Barely Legal?"

"I'm 20 years old."

"My point exactly." He said, glancing down at the buzzing phone in his hand.

"Is that the girlfriend?" I asked, shoving the straw down the hole. "You haven't dumped her yet?"

"My parents love her."

"Just don't tell them." I said, bringing the straw to my lips.

"Like you don't tell them you're getting fucked like crazy by some asshole probably doesn't care about you." He snapped, his gaze sharp. I rolled my eyes. He didn't get that, that's the point. We didn't care about each other.

"What time is it?"

"7:45." I almost choked on the Caprison. Damnnnnn it. I had class in 20 minutes. It took 15 minutes just to get dressed and do the minimal amount of make up I fucking did never mind actually getting there. I slammed the fridge shut and bolted back to my room. I changed into back shorts and a black shirt with a round neckline. I grabbed a black hat, black sunglasses, and put on peach lipstick along with peach adidas.  I grabbed my messenger back with my stuff in it, my keys and ran.

I felt sore too, but I ignored it and ran to the front of the apartment. I drove a teel pick up truck and had had sex in the back once with my third boyfriend. He was a kinky bastard. Weirdly into choking me. I stared the truck and pulled off of the curb. I glanced at the time. 7:53.

Slowly, I gripped the door handle. It was the door all the way in the back, so hopefully no one would notice me quickly slipping in.

"You're late too?" I flinched and spun around to find Alexander Leona blinking down at me. His comma hair fell over his forehead, leaving only a section of it visible. He was cute, but the kind of cute only some girls noticed. Then when the other girls noticed what those girls noticed they all pounced. Even my only girl friend Milia liked him, and she was a total tomboy.

"Yeah," I said, lowering my head a little. I probably looked totally suspect. "I woke up late."

"Yeah, me too." I noticed his gaze kind of traveled down and then stopped. "But it looks like I know the reason you woke up late." He said, giving kind of what seemed like a fake chuckle. Before I got could look down, he brushed past me and pushed open the door. Clearly, not concerned about the noise. I followed him slowly, ducking my head slightly and trying to not make too much noise.

Luckily, all eyes found him and not me. Good. I could feel the pimple on my forehead.

I made my way to the only empty seat on the last row, close to where I was. Unfortunately, I didn't pay enough attention to who the seat was around. So, when I plopped down, and immediately a hand rested on the back of my seat as a body leaned towards me I was not happy.

"I knew you wanted me. Every since we—." I cut him off by swiftly pushing his arm off of my chair and then turning my body slightly to kick him away. His chair rolled about half a foot until he bumped one of his asshole friends. They were all smart, but gave a "wow, look at that asshole" kind of vibe.

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