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this chapter is a bit
in media res but whatever enjoy 👺
my insta so hmu if I lag again with this book lmao 😂 and maybe follow me * cough *

"So, this is your parents old house?" I asked, as we climbed the steps. I could feel Royce's gaze on my ass behind me. It wasn't a Kim Kardashian butt, but it was pretty awesome.

"Yeah, I grew up here."

"Wow. Well, someone was privileged." He chuckled and I glanced back at him.

"Yes, with the house that is correct. Unfortunately, I think my narcissistic father more than took away a lot of my childhood."

"My grandmother is a narcissist too. Makes me wonder how my mother ever got out of there being the person she is today."

We got to the top of the steps and he turned left so I followed him. We walked maybe 20 feet before coming to a dark brown wooden door that was clearly shaped and had taken hours to make. He turned towards me and something in his dark brown eyes turned something in the pit of my stomach.

"You've never mentioned your family before."

"Yeah, well talking about my family as you go down isn't exactly a turn on." He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Well, this is my room." He opened the door and I stepped inside. It was a gray colored room and it kind of creeped me out. His bed was neatly made but his desk was the opposite. Covered in porn mags and sat prep books. I wanted to laugh. However, the anime characters with breasts pouring out of their bathing suits comforted me a bit. There was one of a tan woman I didn't recognize with big breasts with a dildo in between her legs as she stared up at you with big gray eyes.

"Well, shit. I'd fuck her too."

"Huh?" He asked and followed my eyes. "Oh, yeah! That!" He cleared his throat. "That poster still manages to turn me on. Even after all this time." After hearing that, I turned around slowly. He kept his gaze on the poster and I dropped to my knees.

"Oh, you're turned on?" I asked, batting my eyes up at him. He let out a little growl and bent down. He slid his arms underneath my own and lifted me, pushing me back onto his bed.

"Yeah," he said, staring down into my eyes. "I am."

"But before we do anything I have a question," he nodded. "Why the fuck is your room still...your room? Your sister and her girlfriend live here right? Why in the world would your room still be standing?"

"It was a bet we made when they got the house. This room stays until their first kid says the f word."

"Wow," I laughed. "Your family is so weird."

"I know." He said, yanking down my pants. I kicked them all the way down and braced myself as he took off his own belt and undid the buttons on his pants.

"Please fuck me," I whispered. "hard."

Something shifted and he suddenly moved swiftly but aggressively. He pushed me up towards the bedpost with his body and I could feel how hard he was.

"Can I tie you up?" He asked, showing the belt he just had around his waist.

"Aw, I wanted to tie you up." I said, jutting out my bottom lip.

"Too bad." He whispered, leaning down towards me and suddenly thrusting his hips towards me. I moaned and let my head fall back as he bound my wrists above me.

Suddenly, he was entering me and I could feel his warmth as we started to fuck in his childhood bed. He started fast this time, and with each thrust I felt father and father from reality.

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