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I looked at my outfit in the mirror. I was wearing a violet two-piece, velvet mini skirt that hugged me in all the right places and a matching top that did the same thing. I didn't even have on a bra, so I hoped I didn't get cold or aroused during the dinner.

It was 8, and he was supposed to be here in 15 minutes. I had some time to kill.

My eyes drifted to my hair. I had pulled it up into a bun. It was darker than ever, and slowly becoming longer and longer. It was past my shoulders now. I was going to have to cut it sometime soon.

Slowly, I turned and picked up my tiny pocketbook. I had already put my phone in it, as well as my wallet and an extra pad. I slipped it on my shoulder and headed out of my room into the common space. My roommate still wasn't back, and I was starting to wonder if he was ever coming back. The heel of my boots clicked on the wooden floor as I made my way over to the couch. It was a pretty open living room when you really looked at it. To the left of the couch were the windows, which were huge and open.

I plopped down and grabbed the remote to flip on the tv. I crossed my legs and leaned back slowly.

I was not going to have sex with Royce tonight.
I was not going to have sec with Royce tonight.
I was not going to have sex with Royce tonight.
I was not going to have sex with Royce tonight.

I repeated the phrase in my head like a mantra. I was not going to do it. I needed to know just what we were or what we could be when sex wasn't involved. I already knew almost every part of his body but I had almost no idea about his mind.

I blinked, as the words on the television clicked.

"There will be a snow storm next week. It is likely schools will be closed for a few days to recover, and secure the safety of its students."

Wow. I guess I needed to get groceries so I wouldn't starve and all that.

We sat across from each other in a fancy restaurant. The floor was marble. The table was covered with a white cloth and our utensils were wrapped in a red cloth neatly. The chairs were wooden and modern looking. The light was a little dim, so it added a certain aura to the restaurant.

I smiled a little thinking about the face Royce made when he first saw me. He was shocked, and almost looked nervous when he opened the car door for me. I could almost picture him as a teenager and going on a first date.

 It was cute. 

He sat across from me now. He was wearing a black suit, with a with his hair gelled back. He took off the suit jacket and now his broad shoulders had my attention. It was bad. I could feel how badly I wanted to suck on his neck and leave my mark on his skin.

"So, what do you want to do after college?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. I think I want to travel after college since there's nothing really keeping me here. What about you?" He blinked at me and then chuckled awkwardly.

"You know I'm an adult with a job right?" I felt my face heat up.

"Yeah, I know. So," I leaned forward. "How many relationships have you been in?"

"3 including this one."

"So, two." He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his water.

"Yes, but I didn't love any of them."

"Because of your sister's girlfriend?"

"Possibly. What about you? How many relationships have you been in?"



"One, and I loved him." Something shifted in Royce's gaze as he looked at me. There was something new in his eyes that I couldn't read. 

"That guy that showed up--" 

"Yeah, that guy." 

"What happened there?" He asked, obviously trying to hide his curiosity. 

"I seem to have a nasty habit of giving myself to men who don't deserve me," I said, matching his gaze. I reached for his wineglass slowly. I was still under 21 so I couldn't drink but no one was watching and Royce wasn't going to stop me. It was full of dark red wine, and I just felt as though if I could sip this wine in a certain way Royce would want me even more. "Maybe that'll change."

I lifted the glass to my lips and tilted my head back. I lifted the glass gently until the liquid hit the back of my throat. At first, the bitter flavor hit, but it was soon overcome by the sweetness of the alcohol. I swallowed, and then lowered the wineglass from my lips. I lifted my eyes so they were on Royce as I put down the wine glass. 

He started to open his mouth when the waitress approached the table with a huge circular tray in her hand. I grinned on the inside. I'd bought the most expensive meal on the menu, and I'd seen Royce's face when I ordered it. 

She set down my food in front of me first and smiled gently at me. Then, she set down Royce's food and I watched that gentle smile become something a little more tantalizing. He didn't seem to notice though. His eyes were on me. No, they were on my lips. Why was he staring so intently at my--

"I hope you enjoy your food." I chuckled, choosing to ignore his somewhat facetious tone.  

"Thank you. I hope you enjoy your food too." He nodded and picked up his fork. His hands were huge and sexy. I crossed my legs ignoring the growing feeling of wanting to feel them inside of me. The black suit wasn't helping either. I wanted to push him down on the dumb, fancy wood floor and fuck him right there. 

"Careful, " he said, cutting a piece of his steak. "I can feel the lust coming from your eyes, and I'm not sure how long I can resist you."

"Sucks to be you I guess." I dropped my eyes and reached for my fork cursing myself in my mind. "So, why were you so obsessed with..."


"Right," I said, ignoring the sudden bitter taste in my mouth. "Mia." 

"We...were together in a sense a long time ago and ever since then I haven't been able to think about anyone else, but...I've been thinking about someone who doesn't want to be with me for so long. I want to move on...with you." 

I lifted my eyes off of my dinner to find him looking intently at me. Any response I had died just then. 

"What do you think about that?" He asked after a moment of silence had passed. 

"I...I'm not sure. I don't really want to have my heart broken again." I chuckled softly and twirled some more pasta around my fork. 

"We can keep it casual first if you want to." 

"Well, then what do you call what we've been doing if that wasn't casual?" 

"Just sex. This...will be like actual dates but we're not exclusive." 

"So, you're fine with me having sex with other men then?" His jaw clenched a little and he lowered his eyes for a moment before meeting my gaze again. 

"Yes, it's your body. I don't like it, but I can't control you." 

"I kind of want to have sex with you right now." I mumbled, putting a forkful of pasta in my mouth. 

"I do too." 

"Well...there is a bathroom here..." 

"What happened to no sex?" 

"Well, we don't have to have sex to get off." I said, a grin now plaguing my lips. I was gonna make him cum all over the bathroom floor. I wanted to see his knees tremble with pleasure. I wanted to tie his hands back with his tie so he couldn't touch me and tease him until he went mad with his lust for me. 


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