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wow the last time I published it was julyyyyy sorry guys 💙
vote and comment 🤧
also not edited oops

I sighed, annoyed as I turned over on the couch, dropping my face. It was almost 12 am, and I still hadn't been fucked and so all that was running through my mind was him. That asshole, who decided now he wanted me in his life. I was so tired of him fucking with my heart, and me letting him. I itched for a distraction. My gaze, slid back to the paper bag on the counter in front of the couch. In it we're the things Kerune got me. I hadn't looked in it yet, and I didn't plan to but I knew I would. 

I almost jumped as a knock came from the door. I pushed myself up and kicked up the blanket I had been lying on off of the floor. I made my way to the door and opened it without a thought.

Royce's flushed face met my lust filled gaze, as he leaned against the door frame.

"You miss me?" He asked, bitting down on his bottom lip. It was hard to drag my gaze from his lip to his eyes.

"Yes," I whispered, feeling slightly desperate. "I miss you." Hearing that caused something to shift and I watched his eyes sober. He took a step into my apartment, and closed the door behind him. Quickly, but gently, he gripped my waist. Then, not so gently, he turned us and pushed me against the door. His lips found my exposed neck in a second.


That's how I was feeling.

His hands flowed down my body, as his hands stroked my hips and then stopped at my thighs. He pulled upwards, slightly, underneath my thighs. I took the hint and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He pulled his head away for a moment, and I noted that his lips were slightly puffy and red. I didn't even want to know what my skin looked like.

"Tonight," he whispered, dark eyes meeting my gaze. "You're mine. Body and soul, ok?" I could barely muster a response.

"Ok." I said, and that was it.

He walked us over so we were by the couch, where he dropped me. He mounted the couch easily, his palm on the couch, carrying his weight, as to not crush me.

Slowly, he lowered his face and met my lips with his lips. Something about this slow kiss . Something about it felt desperate. Like he was desperately trying to tell me something, but couldn't get the words out.

His hand intertwined with my own, and suddenly the kiss was all lust. Words forgotten.

Thoughts forgotten.

It was just us. Two broken souls trying to forget their broken past.

Gripping my wrists, he moved my leg somehow so it was up being held up by his thigh as he rammed himself into me.

My gasps filled the apartment and they mixed with his grunts. I loved it. My hands coiled and my fingernails stabbed my skin as an instinct to the pleasure pulsing through and in me.



My gasps mixed with his grunts, and I loved it. I tiled my chin upwards and opened my legs wider.

I loved him.

I exhaled, as I tried to get control of my breathing. My back was pressed against Royce's bare chest as we laid on the couch. His arms wrapped around me, making sure I couldn't get anywhere.

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