Normal Nights and Mornings

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I put the video here so you can listen to it while reading
After listening to my Kpop playlist (well it's more of my BTS playlist) twenty times I love was finished doing my studying for the exam which included; Maths, English, Science, Art and for some reason also language which was Korea and Italian. Language and Art I can ace, but the rest not so much😵.

I'm so worried about the test tomorrow. Right now it's 7:30pm and I'm gonna call it a night. Before going to bed I went to the kitchen finding my parents still not here because of their work. I quickly made some Jasmine rice. After eating I watched some T.V which was some sword art online, I'm not a real big fan of it but sword art online II is better.

After watching and eating it was 8:00pm and decided to hit the hay😪. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. After I woke for the morning it was 5:30am so I had a quick shower I got dressed, had breakfast and was on my way. My dad wakes up at 4 and mum knows I leave early to catch a good sunrise shot. Oh and I forgot to tell you guys, I live in an apartment with my parents in the Sydney city, and considering my work is on my way to school so ha😁.

Plus the other reason is I've got work this early as well. So basically I; get fit by walking, see the sunrise, get to work on time, and the bullies won't get me alone. If you want to know where I work I work in an anime stall it's basically a Japanese and Korean stall. Even tourists from Korea and Japan come lucky I speak Korean and a bit of Japanese. After a couple of minutes later I reached my work it was called KJ store. It was gonna be JK but JK Rowling wouldn't like that.

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