Results and Surprise

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It's been a week since the test and Kai going back to Korea, it's kinda sad but the test results are out today. I left home to go to work. Today at work is also payday, I'm excited for both work and school. And plus today after we get our result from the test we get our next lesson off. While I was thinking I arrived at work but their was something different, I could smell it.

Today we aren't opening the shop, so we can clear the clutter and so we can make room for the other stuff, but we do that every morning so why do we- "Suprise!" I heard every single member in the store there. "Uh guys what's going on?" I asked with COMPLETE confussion. "We heard about your results coming out so we decided to celebrate." Adam my Boss said.

I told some about my yearly reports but I didn't know they paid attention. "So come on open it!" Nancy shouted, and now easily knowing she's drunk. I opened the letter and read it;

Dear Miss May Summers
We were impressed with your social status it was significantly great however the ones you want to study can not be provided with us we hope you can either change the subjects you want to study, other then that we have to turn you down apologies dear child.
Sincerely The Government of America.

All of this for nothing, I saw my boss smiling "Congrats May, you can go to America." Adam said I was confused and started walking home while the others knew I couldn't do what I wanted to do. I gotta message mum, I text her saying I'll be late coming home and I'm not going to America. After sending the message I got a phone call from Kai, because I told him about the test to.

*for this chapter Korean is bold*
M= May
K= Kai/ J-Hope

M- Hello?

K- Hi, how were the results?

M- Um... I didn't get accepted.

K- Oh sorry but why.

M- I could go but I have to change every single subject.

K- It's alright, oh I gotta go see ya.

M- See ya

I swear his sounds familiar, my thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing saying it was the school it was 1:01pm still school hours, and it says that I need to come to school office. So  I walked to school and it took 10 minutes and I saw a car, a black stretch, now I'm frightened.

To be Continued

Part 2 coming soon

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