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IT'S THE first day back to school and the girls will be riding with us going there. iris was already here but we were waiting for ally since according to iris her dad was giving her the 'i want you to behave' talk which we all laughed after she said it. soon enough ally came and we were off to school.

on the way to school it was harvey, ally and i that kept the ride somewhat alive. iris didnt talk much and at some point, i noticed that ally and iris were exchanging looks which the other was able to understand. next thing i knew iris was fidgeting with the hem of her skirt and her right leg kept bouncing up and down.

i carefully placed my hand on top of her knee to stop it from bouncing and calm her down. then i wrapped my hands around hers. "nervous?" i asked. "y-yeah." she replied still not looking at me but at our hands. "i will be here right beside you. don't worry bub." i added. she then released the breath she didnt know she was holding and i saw a small smile find its way to her face. cute.

we have arrived in school and joined the girls to get their schedules. mum already talked to the dean if he could place the girls with us since he knew that we were the only ones the girls had at the moment, which thankfully he agreed to it.

harvey and ally were off to their first period which was maths, while me and iris's first period was physics. luckily we arrived a bit early so we got to choose where we sit. of course we had to sit beside each other. i really wanted to be beside her anyways. soon enough students were starting to enter and find their way to their seats. and there's no hiding the fact that they were looking at iris as they enter considering she was new and she was sat beside me. thankfully the teacher finally arrived.

"welcome back my dear students i assumed that everyone enjoyed the break?" mr. charleston said earning a lot of cheers from the class. "alright settle down, before we start we have a new student. she's here to finish the school year. iris please introduce yourself." mr. charleston said.



I DIDNT know what to do. i couldn't even control myself from all the looks people were giving me how much more to speak in front of them. i felt max squeeze my hands before i stood up in front of the class. "uh hi im iris tanner, im 16 and i just transferred here from manchester." i said smiling, which to my surprise i found almost half of my class smiling back at me. "thank you iris, so class please make her feel welcomed." i assumed the teacher named mr. charleston said. i gave him a nod and went back to my seat.

max gave me a smile and said "see wasnt so bad after all bub." which made me smile really big. time passed by quickly. it was now time for lunch. me and max met up with harvey and ally. i was looking for dobby and dylan but i remembered that they dont go here. we bought food and sat down. i quickly told max i needed to use the washroom and he just nodded at me.

i was done doing my business and was washing my hands when a girl with dark brown hair went in and washed her hands on the sink right beside mine. "hey you're the new kid right?" she asked with a tone that i knew wasn't something near kindess at all. "uh yes hi" i tried my best to keep calm since i didn't want to create an issue on the first day. "look im not here to befriend you. stay away from max. he doesn't need anyone like you in his life. soon he will forget about you and move on. besides, you guys aren't meant to last long." she said looking at me with disgust.

"but me and max aren't dating." i replied causing her to laugh. "oh i know sweetie. max wouldn't go for someone like you. what im trying to say is he is just using you. you're his toy now. he knows he has some effect on you so he goes for you because you follow him like a puppy." she was now chuckling. "anyways see you around. i repeat stay away from max okay hun?" she rolled her eyes and walked away.

i didnt know what to do. i didnt know if i should believe her. max wouldn't do that to me. that boy is too precious. i went to the table looking pale. the three of them were laughing with tom. "hey iris you're back, meet tom." harvey said introducing us to each other. "nice to finally meet you tom." i replied smiling. "nice to finally meet you too, i have heard a lot about you from max" he said laughing. i plastered a smile and sat down to where i was supposed to be.

i was quiet. i knew max noticed. he tried getting my attention by asking me questions and making me join their conversation but i would always end up saying short replies or a nod. my mind was a mess. why am i letting a stupid girl's words affect me so much? its not like me and max are a thing to even begin with. this is stupid. you're stupid iris. fucking get your shit together. i honestly felt so weak, and i secretly can't wait for the day to be over so i could just go lock myself up in my room right when i get home. im too bothered. ugh what a great start to my first day.

✓ || 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃, max mills Where stories live. Discover now