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ANDRE HONKED at us when he arrived but since i was really not in the mood, i literally jumped when i heard him. we all went inside, the boys and ally sitting at the back while i took shotgun.

"hey andre!!" harvey greeted him. the twins are starting to bond and become closer with my siblings, which was in fact really good. "hey guys! how's school?" andre asked as he started to drive away.

"eh the usual." ally said shrugging. "hey bella asked me to bring her some pizza on the way home so we're stopping over at domino's." andre chuckled.

"can't she do it herself?" i asked sassily. "woah woah woah sis what's gotten into you? tough day?" he asked me. at this point i didnt even bother if ever i said something that will embarrass me. im just really jealous and ally knew that jealousy gets the best of me sometimes.

this is why you dont do crushes or feelings. besides you guys aren't a thing iris. i reminded myself.

"oh hell yeah." i replied as i drank from my water bottle. "spill." andre said causing harvey to agree to him.

"nah." i replied.

"COME ON IRIS!!!" harvey literally shook my chair since he was behind me causing all of us to chuckle at his actions.

"lil sis come on we have a lot of time and we need something to keep us sane right now. plus i'll treat you an extra slice if you do." andre joked.

"fine i guess." i sighed heavily. "you're kidding me right!? a slice of pizza is the only thing that it takes to get iris to spill her problem?" harvey said and me giving him a playful glare.

"shut up harvey." ally scolded her boyfriend. "go on lil sis." andre said.

"i guess i uhm am starting to like a guy— I THINK I KNOW WHO!!" harvey interrupted me while freaking out. "shut up and let the girl talk." ally scolded him again. "right right zip." harvey said as he pretended to zip his lips and locking it like an idiot.

"so yeah i guess im starting to like him— wait no. i do like him. and fuck bro.. i'm just.. i dont know? jealous?" i made sure that the way i said the word jealous was almost inaudible and only for andre to hear.

"aww lil sis. that's completely normal, just please don't let it get to you." he said as he gave me a pat on the arm.

"that's the thing dre i did let it get into me." i replied looking out the window. "anyways max? are you okay? you haven't said a word since we left." andre looked at him from the rearview mirror.

"no not really but im okay." i heard him say. fuck iris. why did you avoid the guy anyway!?

"ahhh i see what's going on here." andre smirked. "yes andre exactly that." ally agreed. "trouble in paradise!" harvey exclaimed.

andre chuckled but quickly turned to the right to park at dominos so our conversation was cut short. we all went down and placed our orders. andre insisted it was his treat which we all didn't mind since it was free food for us then.

while we were waiting for our pizzas, max and i was still not talking to each other, and the tension between us was building up even more.

i didn't bother trying to stir up a conversation with him because im afraid i might say something stupid and hurt him. max also didn't bother to talk to me and just chatted with andre and the rest.

we didn't stay there for too long because we knew bella was waiting for us back at home. mom and dad went to some business trip earlier this week and will probably be back the say after tomorrow.

the ride back was silent. harvey and ally was feeling tired and max was just staring out the window. andre didn't bother to interrogate us even more about what's going on, and i just kept scrolling through my phone.

we soon have arrived and the boys bid their goodbyes to us for the day as they went home. and ally went in with me and andre inside my house.

"we're back! here's your pizza bells!" andre screamed as he gave my sister the pizza she requested. we all went to the island counter and sat there, bella giving us some water to drink.

"how's school girls?" she asked smiling. i sighed back knowing that they'll bug me again about my jealousy problems. "its alright for me, but for your sister it's not." ally said pointing at me.

"oh why's that?" bella turned her gaze at me and gave me a questioning look. "long story short. i like max and there was this girl that kept trying to get his attention and i got jealous and let that feeling get the best of me and now im avoiding the guy because like what i said, im jealous!" i said quite fast causing bella to chuckle at me.

"calm down lil sis. well if you would ask me, it's completely normal to feel that way. but what's not is that you're avoiding the guy!" she said shaking her head and ally muttering an "i told you so" at me.

"what do i do? fionna a-k-a the new girl's presence bothers me! like man i just hate her vibe!" i ranted.

"yup you're totally whipped for max" ally smirked at me. "fine! maybe i am! but i still dont think i'll be enough for him." man this whole feelings related shit is complicated. "i can't let myself fall for a guy then end up being played again." i sighed.

"i doubt you will. max is the kindest and purest boy i've met and i know you guys will be lucky to have each other." andre said as he gave me a pat in the back.

maybe he was right. maybe i should give max a chance? but i just can't seem to let my feelings out.
gosh iris, get a fucking grip!

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