𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 - 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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A FEW WEEKS had passed since the whole commotion between me and the girl, which by the way was named rachel. the school found out about what she did and suspended her for a good two months, apparently max reported the situation and they soon took action for it.

and a few weeks after max's confession, me and him have never been more close AND happy. we never really talked about what we were considering that i haven't exactly told him how i felt. he was just being really different? though he really didn't bother asking me how i felt or what my reply was to his confession. which im kind off relieved about.

school work has been draining me recently since i was the dumb one between me and him, but he was ever so willingly to help me with my subjects.

and as for my 'feelings' for max, i kinda maybe sorta am ready to tell him how i felt. maybe? i dont really know.

but anyway, today i felt different. i felt uneasy. i had a feeling that something bad or weird will happen to me or around me. "lil sis are you ready??" andre screamed as he went down from our flight of stairs. he insisted that me and ally will ride with him this morning since he said and i quote 'you never got time for me anymore baby sis'

so that's what we're doing. "yupss i am, i'll go to ally's now and call her." i replied as i took my book bag and placed it on my back. i walked to her front porch and went straight inside. "are you done??" i asked as i saw ally drinking water. "hmm yup come on! bye mum! bye dad!" she screamed as she pulled me out of the house.

we saw the twins walk out of theirs and i gave them both a wave and a smile. they soon walked over our way, harvey going straight to greet ally with a kiss. "y'all its so early in the morning to flirt! my innocent eyes oh my fucking gosh!" i said jokingly earning a chuckle from max. "ya know iris you can actually ki— SHUT UP BITCH IM GONNA FUCKING STRANGLE YOU IF YOU SAY ANOTHER SHIT!" i pointed at her and gave her a playful glare hoping she wont say anything else. "well she's not wrong you could just ki— HARVEY SHUSH! YOU TWO SHUSH OH MY GOSH!" i placed a hand over my head and sighed in annoyance.

those lovebirds i swear..

"am i the only one that's clueless here?" max asked, his gaze going from me to the couple and back to me again. "uhh no they're just being annoying as always." i said glaring at the two again, them smirking back at me. "anywayssss, you guys really cant ride with me and harvey today?" max asked

"nah sorry bub. andre insisted we go with him."

"but you always ride with me!?" he pretended to be a baby who was throwing tantrums and me being me, found his actions cute. like REALLY CUTE.

"you clingy ass bitch. it's just for a day!" i laughed causing the couple behind max to smirk at us once again. "fine fine. we'll meet you girls at school?" he asked as he ruffled my hair. "hey not the hair doofus!" i said as i playfully slapped his arm.

"but yes see you there bubba!" i ruffled his hair back and we gave then both a wave. we went back to our driveway to see andre in a call. probably important. i thought, since he motioned for us to give him a minute.

soon enough he came and we were on our way to school though the twins left a little bit earlier than us. "so you girls wanna know why i wanted you to ride with me?" andre asked while looking at us through the rear view mirror of the car. "why?" ally replied.

✓ || 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃, max mills Where stories live. Discover now