𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 - 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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conversation between max and iris
normal - max
bold - iris
italicized - real life (iris)
italicized bold - real life (max)



SOON ENOUGH as i sat beside ally for us to watch a movie, my phone decided to ring.

i saw the caller id and i felt nervous. i looked at ally with a look asking for help and her signaling me to answer the call.


incoming facetime call from bacon bubba🥓
[ accept | decline ]

"hi bub"

i tried to sound as normal as possible but i still felt extremely nervous at the other side of the line.
i didn't hear max saying a reply since his line has been dead silent for a good few seconds

"uhm max? hello?
you still there?"

"o-oh hi bubba."

"hi! why did you call?
we literally just saw each
other a few minutes ago."

"i dont k-know actually."

"o-oh okay."

i didnt know what to say anymore. i could literally feel the tension between us right now and it's making me feel sad. i dont want things to change between us but why does it feel like it already did.

"you know what fuck it.
iris about what i said earl—"

"let's just drop it max.
i didn't hear what you
said earlier okay?
calm down bubba."

she quickly cut me off and i didn't know what to feel. i was kinda ready for her to know how i felt. i knew this makes her feel uncomfortable, but i just really wanted her to know how i felt.

"no i want you to hear me out... "

max started to say. i was freaking out inside wondering what the hell was he about to say.

"look bub, i meant
what i said earlier.
i do have heart eyes for you.
i like you a lot iris.
and i dont plan on
hiding it anymore."

MY HEART WAS DOING FUCKING FLIPS! but for some unknown reason i couldn't bring myself to say how i felt too.

"oh uhh ok"

iris you stupid girl.

"it's okay if you uhm
dont feel the same way.
i just wanted you to
know how i felt i guess."
*chuckles awkwardly*

"but we cool though right?"

iris say something! tell him how you feel! my mind was constantly pushing me to confess back but i just can't seem to get it off the tip of my tongue.

"yes. yup. we cool bubba"
"anyways i got to go.
im sleepy.
see you tomorrow bub.

fuck max you messed up. i thought to myself.

"alright goodnight bubba.
rest well!"

call ended.


iris what the fuck was that about. i scolded myself once the call has ended. ally heard everything since i placed her on speaker just in case i needed a back up. she was ecstatic that max felt the same way but extremely disappointed in what i did. "you could've just told him iris." she said as she shook her head.

"im still not ready okay?" i said in defense. "that's what you've been saying, even though you know yourself that you like him! and he likes you too oh my gosh!" she said as she sighed. i couldn't find the right words to reply and remained silent for a few seconds.

"iris answer me honestly, what is it that's really stopping you from liking max?"

"i know im not good enough for him als."
i went under her covers, still thinking about max.

"just give the poor guy a chance. either way you already fucking know how he feels. and i know he will treat you better iris." she said sternly as i sighed heavily.

she's right. but i was just too scared to fall in love again.

ally didn't bother arguing with me further because she knew that if she did, things might just become worst.


a/n : HELLO HELLO i updated woohoo kagskahaja i have a few chapters left probs like 10-15 chapters left to finalize hihi:>>
hope yall enjoyed this dont forget to VOTE AND COMMENT MWAH xx

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