𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 - 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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IT WAS the next day and me and harvey was outside waiting for the girls to come out. soon enough only ally went out of the tanner's house.

"where's iris?" i asked worriedly. me and iris were still on the 'no speaking terms' and me still being clueless on why, but that didn't stop me from looking out for her.

"she called in sick today max. she has a bit of a fever." ally said giving me a sympathetic smile. "she'll be alright though, don't worry about her. you can visit later." she added.

i gave her a nod in reply and went inside the car silently. the ride to school was different. iris not being here makes it different. i just realized how much i got used to her being around.

we soon arrived in school and the couple went their separate ways from me and to their first period classes. "see ya at lunch bro!" harvey said as he linked hands with ally. "see ya!" i replied. i started to walk to my first class when fionna suddenly stood beside me. "good morning max!" her high pitched voice greeted me. "uh hi morning." i replied bluntly.

"why so down boo?" she asked. "stop calling me nicknames and none of your business." i rolled my eyes at her but somehow she just doesn't understand that i dont like her. "iris aint here? is that why you're sad?" she teased.

"none of your business." i went straight inside the classroom and sat down at my seat.

today's going to be a long boring day. i cant tell.


time flew by quite fast not gonna lie and the bell finally rang signaling that fourth period has ended. i went to my locker to fix my things when someone tapped my shoulder.

"oh hey." i said surprised when fionna was then again in front of me. "you have a minute? can i talk to you?" she asked less annoyingly now.

"uhh sure." i closed my locker and turned my full attention to her. i was about to say something when i felt a pair of lips on top of mine. i quickly pulled her away from me and wiped my mouth with my hoodie.
luckily there was only a few students that saw what happened. but im sure it will spread soon.

"what the fuck!? why did you do that!?" my voice was louder than expected and i was ranging in anger. for a moment i felt bad for fionna for raising my voice at her, but i soon pushed that feeling away because no one can kiss me. no one except iris.

"dont you get it max? i like you! i like you a lot! but your whore of a friend named iris took you away from me!" she said tears now flowing out of her eyes.

i then did something that i never expected to do. i slapped her. straight at the face. students were now starting to crowd and watch us. "dont ever, EVER call the girl i LOVE a whore! got that!? and she never took me away from you, i was never yours to begin with. oh and i dont like you like that." i told her loud and clear, looking straight into her eyes with pure range.

i turned my back away from her and started to walk away when she screamed "you'll regret this max mills." and me just flicking her off not even bothering to turn around.

"show's over." i screamed and students scrambled their way away from the situation.

"dude what was that about?" tom asked when i was nearing the table. "fionna. fuck iris will kill me if she knew fionna kissed me." i sat down on my spot sighing.

"she kissed you!?" ally screamed and me giving her an uneasy nod in reply. "that bitch." i could hear her mutter under her breath.

iris is going to kill me.

should i tell her or not?


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