𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 - 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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ALLY WAS now fixing her things before she heads off to the mills' home. luckily max soon came swooshing open in my room startling me and ally.

"jesus max cant you like knock?" i asked still holding my hand over my chest. "sorry bub but no. i dont do knocking." he said chuckling. "gosh you're a huge idiot you know that right?" i replied smirking. "oh i know. but i also know you love an idiot like me." he rebutted. ally was about to say something but i was quick to cover her mouth with my hand.

"shut the fuck up alyssa we do not mention anything got it?" i said sternly at her hoping she will understand. "uh say what?" max asked causing me to just scream "nothing!!"

"now ally wont you like go or something?" i asked as i removed my hand from her mouth. "jeez calm your tits i wont tell max" she said smirking. "tell me what???" he asked once again. "NOTHING OH MY GOSH BYE ALLY LOVE YOU TELL HARVEY I SAID HEY" i pushed her out causing her to laugh at my awkwardness, leaving max dumbfounded on the situation and my cheeks heating up as fuck.

"what was that about huh bub?" he asked as he sat down on my bed and getting comfortable under the sheets. "nothing. nothing. let's drop it." i said quickly. "i thought no more hiding." he playfully pouted at me.

"yes yes i know. but this one you really can't know. well for now."

"why can't i bubbaaaa" he was now sitting up and doing his puppy dog eyes that were ever so cute and it's making my heart melt. focus iris. dont give in. he cant know you're starting to like him.

"because you just cant. now scoot over hat boy and let me sit beside you." i pushed him to the side and i earned a chuckle from him. "okay rudeeee but fine. someday you'll tell me?" he held put his pinky for me to lock mine. what an idiot. but he is a cute idiot.

"you're so childish bub. but yeah sure. if i get the courage to do so" i locked my pinky to his.

"so what are we watching to help cheer you up?" he took the remote and started to scroll through all the movies he could possibly find. "hmm how about five feet apart? we both haven't watched it and my sister said its an amazing movie." i suggested.

"sure sure. i heard its going to make us cry." he added. "fuck then lets watch it. i really do want to cry" i ate some popcorn as he pressed play on the movie.

"just let it all out. im here for you." he said as he placed an arm around me sending shivers to my entire body. i didn't say anything in reply. i just smiled at him. i felt so safe in his arms. fuck iris. that's it. you're falling for max. the guy you literally fangirled over with years back.

i knew i was. and no fucking way will it ever stop.

✓ || 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃, max mills Where stories live. Discover now