𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 - 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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I CHASED iris as fast as i could, and as i chased her i couldn't help but live for this moment. she was there, smiling. even if she was running oops. she was smiling wide, and i just wished she could stay that happy forever. i never wanna see her cry again.

i was able to catch up to her and grabbed her by the waist and pinned her down to the ground. for a split second we just stared at each other but i did what i needed to do to prevent an awkward silence from happening.

i tickled her.

she was now laughing hysterically and begging here and there for me to stop tickling her. "m-max s-stop!" she said in between laughs. "no! you stole my cap you thief!" i replied still tickling her. "y-you c-called m-me a child!!" i stopped tickling her and sat down beside her.

she sat up panting as she tried catching her breath. "finally some oxygen!" she slapped my arm causing me to scream an 'oww!'

"in my defense at least being a child means you're cute!" i said as i threw my hands up hoping she wont attack me in way. i heard her chuckle in response, and i felt that i think i might've said something bad.

"thank you but thats all you! ANYWAYS before you get so full of yourself, here's your cap you weirdo!" she placed the cap on my head in a way that made me look funny. i ignored what she said because butterflies started to erupt at the pit of my stomach and if any compliments were said anytime soon, i'd loose my shit.

"how do i look?" i gave a pose that looked embarrassing enough to even remember but somehow made iris laugh hysterically once again. i could get so used to that laugh. i thought to myself.

"you are such a weirdo max." she chuckled. "a cute one though i hope?" i smirked at her making her chuckle once again. "hmm sure sure bub. a cute one." i mentally gave myself a high five for this and no shit i was smiling from ear to ear.

we then ended up talking for hours. we talked about our lives, likes and dislikes, our memories, and we also ended up just cracking some jokes here and there. some of which were just not suitable for young ages.

and i will have to admit, this might've been one of the moments that i was truly happy. having this girl beside me- and seeing her happy, was definitely something i never knew i needed until now.

"oh by the way max, tell your brother that if he ever hurts ally, i'll kick him where the sun doesn't shine!" she said. we were currently talking about how cute harvey and ally was together. i wish i had what they had.

"yes mam!" i saluted at her making her slap my shoulders playfully. "good because harvey is her first boyfriend and i don't want to see her broken if he ends up breaking her!" she sighed. "harvey's her first???" i asked shocked. "hmm yup! so you better tell him!" she slapped me once again.

"ya know you need to stop slapping people. and by people i mean ME!" i said as i playfully poked her cheeks and her slapping them away. this girl oh my gosh.

time continued to pass by and we didnt realize that the sun was almost rising until she pointed it out. "sunrise sunrise bubba sunrise!!!!!" she exclaimed, squealing like a little girl. her eyes were now shining and her smile was radiating to me. she looks so beautiful max. "that's why i brought you here bub." i smiled looking at her. "thank you!" she cheered as she gave me a quick hug.

she pulled away and placed her head on my shoulder, me immediately placing an arm around her. and there we are, just seated at the grass, in each other's arms, watching the sunrise together.
neither of us decided to speak up. we just endured the moment.

the sun brings light to the houses below, but she brings light to my life.

my heart was doing flips, and there's no way i can even deny that i am extremely falling for iris.


a/n HEHEHEHEE HELLLO! im back:> im sorry if it took a while for me to update this, i just focused on finishing NOTICED so that when i do, i would give my full attention to this book:> anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the previous ones:)
dont forget to vote and comment!! mwah love yall lots xx

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