10. Distant and far

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I walked with my heads up with all the pride or ego like some of you tell,
Everybody laughed, when I kissed the ground and fell.
Inside me everthing is torn and wrong,
I sewed myself back and the fall had made me strong.
I stood up with all my pride again and again ready to fell,
It was all my confidence and self respect or ego like some of you tell.
- Ani


Aanya's P.O.V

I swear I won't tolerate any of his anger issues and temperment again. I've decided that for myself.

I woke in the morning with the thought. It's still dark outside. I'm half awake but i've to get ready for the work. Who call at 6 in the morning, I don't think that man sleeps or it's just to irritate me. Well if that's the case then he already succeeded in his work, but i'm too tough to show that.

Suck it up, Ana.

I got up and took a brief shower and get all dressed. I wore white blouse and black pants. My hairs are too messy to let loose so I tied them up in a high pony tail.

I glance a look at my watch. Its still 5.10. I can make in time but before that i need a strong coffee to completely wake myself up. I made myself coffee and drank it in peace while sitting on the couch and looking outside the window. Sky is filling with warm colours as the sun rises.

Don't think about yesterday. Today is all new day. Calm yourself and remember you are doing this for your father. I reminded myself while sipping the coffee.

I heard the door open of ashley's room. I turn to look at her. She was all with morning hair, but still looking good.

"Hey good morning ash" i greet her.

"Your boss must be devil to call this early" she replied without looking at me and sipping water.

"You bet" i laughed.

I got up and gave her a small hug. I took my coat and blue scarf and left the house.

I reached 10 minutes early. I don't want to give him any chance to yell at me after yesterday.

I reached at his mansion. It was quite exotic and huge. He doesn't stay with his dad. How can anyone stay alone in such a huge castle. That's what it appears, like a castle. Huge manor and walls. I walked pass the gate and noticed the big lawn with all possible flower garden and trees. I could never imagine such a greenary in newyork. He does lives in the outerside of the city, which is quite a distant from the upper east side of manhatten.

The garden was beautiful. I would have lost in the lustrous beauty of the garden if someone hadn't called out for me.

"Miss james" came a soft voice. I turned to look at short old lady standing at the porch.

I must've standing here for a long time. Why should i have to embarass myself all the time.

"Uhh, sorry i just got a lil distracted" i replied apologetically.

"You have eyes to recognize the beauty miss" she smiled.

She was old and humble and quite sophisticated.

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