19. Flight or fight? (part one)

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Adrenaline, the hormone generated in the body in any stressful events to prepare the body for 'flight or fight' response. It's also released when you're excited that's what teenagers say as adrenaline rush. It makes your body react in different situations. Like the feeling when you share your first kiss or when you just hold hands of the person you love. Or in situation like you are terrified of something and you want to run far far away from that thing, or when you get caught. Or when you're in a racing car.

You get my point right.

Adrenaline rush.

That's what I'm feeling right now. I hate when these bloody hormones make you feel this terrified or...


I don't know what I'm feeling. But I hate it anyway.

Two most unexpected things happened today and if you would have asked me a few hours earlier that I would be doing such thing, I would've laughed on your face maybe kicked your butt too.

But now, I'm also shocked. I can be pretty emotional and irrational and aggressive but this was something I would never do.

I slapped him

Jensen white.


I know I should be terrified because he is freaking White for god's sake. And I'm kind of terrified now but at that time I know he deserved it.

I'm at home sitting on the couch beside Ashley and she is watching movie, her favourite movie, The Vow.
But I couldn't get my mind on channing Tatum as my mind keep revolving around a freaking devilishly handsome and cold hearted White. Today was surely a different day and emotionally tiring day.

As I watched the movie my mind revolved around two most unexpected things happened today.

I'm so pissed off on that person that I just want to slap him and kick him but I don't want to do that. It's not right to do that, instead I'm going to release my aggression by working and proving him wrong and that would be big blow on his ego with capital E.

Today I went to his house and did all my chores efficiently but that bloody son of a bachelor didn't crossed my path. I got to know that he'll directly be in office before the conference, so I was chilled. I completed all my work and went to office and prepared for the conference. I was all done.

I was resting in my office when heard a knock on door. It was Shirley.

"Hey" I smiled at her.

"Hii, Ana. Boss wants you in his cabin right now and he was looking angry" she said and have an apologetic smile.

Oh god not again.

"Oh no"

"Go now before he burn the office down with his anger. All the best" she said and left.

I went in front his office and have a knock on his door and waited for a reply but none came. Instead a strong hand on my wrist pulled me inside. I was beyond shocked. It was him. He was still holding my wrist in a tight grip.

"Sir, you called?" I asked trying to get my mind straight.

"Where is it?" He asked back.

It? What?

"Where is what?" I was confused.

"The file, I asked you to get it signed by respective heads of department and its missing." His hold on me tightened.

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