13. More confused and Bipolar

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"I live to imagine and I imagine to live but I wake up and turn them into reality" - Ani


Sorry guys for not updating in a week and more, but i was stuck somewhere..
And i love u that's why I'm gonna update everyday this week😉
I'm happy too...yay
So show ur support through votes and comments as it boost my confidence to write more...
And read the note in the last. 😊😊


Chapter's song: No promises by cheat codes and demi lovato😉

Aanya's POV

My back is paining a lot, the dancing last night must have been more than I can handle . why I have to dance like a crazy. yeah you want to forget about your life for a second and want to enjoy present right! present sure comes with a massive back ache. err!! I'm never going to a club anymore, I swear.

I tossed left and right, still not opening my eyes. I don't want to open them, yet. There's a problem, a serious one. but I don't know what? something seems different but my back paining too much to notice. I surely need to give Ashley a piece of my mind for not making all the rash cupid plans and to ruin the next day. Thinking about Ashley, I didn't see her last night, or I don't remember. I wasn't that drunk to forgot things and I'm not having a hangover also...


Damn... club and the text and he and his home.....

I opened my eyes in a flash of light. I looked around and it was the room I sneaked in to yesterday.. please this has to be a nightmare. The room was so plain with white curtains and no decorative vase or art on the wall or to the matter not a single colour. I glanced at bed, there was no one on it. where is he?

This means he is awake and must have saw me sleeping on the couch... couch, that's why my back was paining. But returning to the point, he is awake. why am I afraid? it's nothing I did. Dude.. he called me...ok texted me but the point here is he did it. And being a loyal employee...slave...whatever.... I just obeyed. I stood from the couch and saw the time. Gosh...I'm late.. but I'm already at my place of work.. right... so technically I'm not late. but there is no point of standing here and arguing with self. I must run before Mr. Arrogant white could come in the room. I searched for my shoes. they has to be somewhere. I went in the club wearing shoes and I think I left wearing them, of course I have to, right. They have to be somewhere here. I bend down and search for them on the floor.

oh there you are... I found the shoes, they were hiding under the bed. These snarky little oh-so-important things. they have to sneak under the bed of Mr. Arrogant and that too far beyond my reach. what a nasty unfaithful things, how did they reach that far.

And the thought of previous night came, mr. white drunk and tripping over me... I think when I managed him to lay on the bed and tripped, the shoe must have gone under bed.... urghh!!! Why i have to be in awkward situation everytime and that too in my boss' bedroom.

No no nononono... i have to leave before he comes back from wherever he is.. but where is he..

DON'T distract yourself here idiot, its not the time to be curious.. you have to save yourself from the embarassment. I think my mind is right.. i have to leave, quick..

I tried to remove the shoe but it was beyond my reach. So I searched around the room to find something to help me with the shoe problem.. i found a hanger at the end of the bed on the other side. I took the hanger and tried to remove that traitor shoe under the bed...

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