Chapter 1- Found you

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Hey there Wattpad, this is my first fan fiction. If you like it- never fear, I will regularly update.  Hope you enjoy it.

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England: You wanker! You forget to tell them that Hetalia does not belong to you, but to Hidekaz Himaruya.

Me: *Hides in emo corner*


I sat in a supermarket, surrounded by furniture and the sweet smell of pastry and cakes coming from the bakery section. The lights shone brightly, almost blinding, and the floor was marked with remains of what were muddy puddles and wet droplets. I sat on a comfy white sofa, slightly greyish and laid back on the blue patterned cushions; a nice, soft back support. It would be just perfect to fall asleep right here; right now. But my head was filled with the Hetalia theme tune Marukaite Chikyuu and I was humming it under my breath. Hetalia was one of my favourite animes. A loud shout interrupted my trail of thought. "Doitsu!" It screamed out happily. I raised an eyebrow and waved it off. Doing a double take, I stood up abruptly, my new shoes squeaking on the tiles floor; earning some glances from nearby shoppers. Trudging towards the perfume section, where I heard the oh-so-familiar sound, I abandoned my shopping bags. Sniffing in the sickly sweet aromas I looked to the men’s perfume area. Standing there was a tall, well-built man wearing a large green trench coat, grey trousers and chunky black boots. His blond hair was neatly slicked back and blue eyes dazzled in the bright light. No way...this man was a living replica of Germany. I crouched down near the sample fragrances area and shouted, "Ludwig!” The German turned around, his turquoise eyes widening in shock. Immediately, he caught a glance of me and stormed my way, angrily. As his boots clunked closer, I backed away until I found myself back to back with a wall. 'Shoot', I cursed in my thoughts. Ludwig grabbed my wrist as I tried to run away from his icy glare.

 "Who are you?" he boomed, his face looming close to mine.

"A human being," I replied, smirking. He took the comment badly and groaned, pinning me to the wall.

"How did you know my name? “he interrogated me, as if I were a criminal. But before I could answer, a short blond woman in a green and white uniform pulled Ludwig from me.

"Get the hell out!" she shouted to Ludwig, assuming the worst from our encounter. Before he could protest, she dragged him by the collar, into the pouring rain.

"Are you okay?" the woman asked me, her green eyes kinder now.

"Yea..." I said smiling a little.

"Doitsu?" I heard that same voice call out. It was close this time. Spinning round, I nearly had a heart attack. Italy stood there; with ginger hair, gleaming honey eyes and that adorable curl that stuck out from his head. He wore a small white dress shirt and red trousers. He looked so cute! I watched him as he searched under piles of clothes and stacks of rugs. Grinning, I hid under a trolley of hanging shirts. I saw Italy search nearby through a pile of colourful (or colorful) ties. Resisting the urge to giggle, I went silent. He approached the trolley as I waited there, hoping he hadn't seen me. "Doitsu?" he whispered quietly. I quickly sprung out of the trolley, making aggressive noises and waving my hands. I guffawed as Italy screamed loudly and burst into tears. His happy honey eyes were watery and painful to look at. "Sorry Italy," I murmured, stroking his shoulder. "W-Why?" He stifled between sobs. "Wait...," his tone become more intense, "How do you know my name?" 'Sugar, better improvise', I thought nervously. "Oh you look like someone I know..." I muttered weakly. Italy frowned and then grabbed my hand. "You cannot leave bella; you know too much." Italy pulled me out the store. This couldn't be good... I struggled but was surprised greatly by his inhumane strength. "Errgggggghhh!!"I yelled, but no one heard me and I was too far from the blonde woman now. Italy put a finger to my lips and I grimaced at his patronising look. He dragged me out into the rain and I squealed, as water drowned my long, brown hair and flowed off my coat. Before I could further protest; we reached a tiny alley way and everything went dark.

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