Chapter 16- Circles

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So, what mess is our protagonist in, eh? (When did I start saying eh...)  Read on to find out the ugly truth of it all. WARNING PRUHUN FLUFF AHEAD

Gilbird: Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya... Piyo~

Adeline’s POV

I mentally cursed myself. How did I get back here? The silver metallic paint that lapped over that putrid van I had been captive within; less than a day ago; stood there in front of me. The burly men who had kidnapped me were not in sight, but lying there in the middle of the grass was a large chocolate bar. My eyes darted from side to side and heartbeat quickened. Hastily, I ran to it and attempted to pick it up. It felt unusually heavy, and I still tried again and again to pick it up. An ear shattering bark sounded as the two men I had been running from- came sprinting to me - with two fierce dogs in tow. Realising I had been sourly conned; I scrambled through the long-grass in the opposite direction. They followed quickly, gaining on me. A biting wind swept me but I carried on; not even risking looking back. A loud bark resounded in the whistling air as pelts of rain fell onto me, thrashing into my face and filling my shoes with rainwater. The heavy footsteps neared as I felt sharp teeth sink into my foot, gnawing on it like a chew toy. I screamed as the pain stiffened every joint in my body and I begged for mercy. The ferocious beast of a dog carried on slicing my foot with its canines; attacking me ruthlessly. I tried to yank my foot free as my kidnappers chuckled. The taller one took something shiny out of the chocolate bar wrapper, probably what had weighed it down before. Putting it to his mouth, he blew but no sound came out. The dog however, released my foot without hesitating and squealed, whimpering in what appeared to be searing pain. Its ears flopped over and I assumed it was a dog whistle of some sort. I stepped into a run, to have fingers wrapped around my arm, keeping me in place.

“You ain’t going nowhere sweetheart.”

Prussia’s POV

I hate to admit it, but the awesome me had been crying for a while now. They admitted Eliza into the hospital immediately and an ambulance took us there. My Ferrari was demolished and I sent it for repair. But after an hour or so, they still hadn’t told me whether she was ok or not. I stared at the porcelain floor, seated in a teal chair, doctors in apple green passing me and asking me if I needed anything. I waved them off and focused on Eliza. ’What if she never wakes up? I would never forgive myself. Ever.’ The doctor who had seen to Eliza initially, walked out from the operating theatre. I stood immediately, greeted with a smile and thumbs up. The doctor pushed her glasses further up her nose.

“She’s awake but injured. I’m sure she would love to see you.” She confirmed, strolling back down the corridor.

I thanked her and headed into the operating theatre. The room was brightly lit, the white glow on my back as I found a small hospital bed across from me; the Hungarian nation lying on it. Light brown strands of hair covered the sides of her faces, her eyes shut and lips forming a small smile. She looked so peaceful for someone in so much pain. I sauntered over to Eliza and shook her lightly. Her eyelids snapped open, red and sore. She looked hurt and angry.

“Are you ok, liebe?” I asked her gently. Her sparkly green eyes softened and she pulled me to her chest, her arms stretching around my back.

“Thank you for saving my life Gil,” she said, placing a kiss on my cheek. My face heated up and I smiled widely. I was glad she was ok. Sitting down on the leathery chair next to her bedside, I pulled out my phone and was about to call America, to find out where he was. Hungary’s hand touched mine and she smiled sweetly.

“Can you tell me a story from when we were little?” she pleaded, whacking out those puppy dog eyes and pouting like a little child. I nodded and took a deep breath, clearing my throat.

“One day we were in the woods, getting lost and talking about crazy duels as usual. You challenged me to find a river before night-time. I accepted it and ran off somewhere, not realising that you were not following me. I shrugged it off and trudged through plains of mud and grass, trees towering over me like giant skyscrapers. I was really that short! It had taken me a while to find the river and I began to get very hungry, my stomach growling like an angry wolf. The day was coming to an end, the sky turning unawesomely grey and murky, and I could sense that it would rain any second. Lucky for me, the mud was getting wetter and this meant a river was bound to be nearby. Enthusiastically, I skipped toward it, through low hanging branches, long-grass, summer flies, and over large rocks and pebbles. Finally I saw a long river that stretched through hundreds of trees. It was  a green-turquoise, and in excitement, I chucked a pebble inside it. Ripples formed around it, spreading out creating a pretty pattern. I chuckled, thinking of your reaction when I told you where the river was. You weren’t anywhere to be seen though, and I was starting to get worried. After all, I had searched and re-searched the woods three times by then. Suddenly, from the top branches of a pine tree, a cry sounded.

“Gil!” It yelled.

I ran to it. Hanging by your branch, your tunic was stuck on it and you were drooping off it helplessly. I couldn’t help mocking you. I laughed loudly, my trademark “Kesese”. You just groaned and begged me to help you down. After a few tugs, you fell down onto me. I pushed you off playfully and led you to the river. Even now, you won’t admit it, but you were glad that I found you that day.” I finished the story, too consumed by it to notice that Eliza was sleeping deeply. Kissing her forehead, I got up and left.

Sweet dreams, liebe” I whispered, shutting the door to the operating theatre silently.

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