Chapter 11- Hurry

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Yay 37 reads and 1 vote! Thank you so much to all of you, and to shiall0702. Read on and remember...

America: Hetalia doesn't belong to us dudes and dudette but to Hidekaz Himaruya, kay?

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America’s POV

Poor Iggy. I had walked into his hotel room to ask him if he wanted to go out for a drink, and then record him insulting himself. Then I saw him there, dishevelled and wounded, several cuts and bruises all over his body, his face holding a kind of dullness I had never seen before. It was quite frightening seeing him like this. And sickening to think someone would do this to him. I looked around for a first aid kit, and headed towards a wooden wardrobe. I struggled to open it but with a large tug, it swung open, revealing a man dressed in black, with a large gash on his forehead, blood seeping through the woollen mask he wore. He had been tied up with England’s towels and looked dodgy. ‘Did he do this to Iggy?’ Without thinking, I pushed him back into the wardrobe and looked for a key. ‘Under the pillow, of course.’ Then I locked the guy back in there, and searched for that first aid kit that my friend was in desperate need of. I heard a soft groan, and saw that Arthur had woken up. He tried to get up but yelled out in pain.

“Bloody hell! Get…bandages, they are near the sink. What happened to me Alfred?” he moaned, as he traced his fingers over his scars and gashes. I looked over at him sorrowfully.

“You mean you can’t remember?”

“No… I just had a cup of Earl Grey and…OWW!” he screamed out, placing his palm to his temple. Then he flopped down helplessly, his legs giving way. Quickly, I caught him and propped him down onto the soft carpet. His blond bangs were wet, and at this rate he was likely to catch a cold. I fetched a warm towel off the radiator and wrapped his hair in it, using the spare one for his body. As I went to get some bandages from the sink area, I spied a tea cup with what I thought was Earl Grey. Plopping my pinkie in it, I sensed it was cold. I stuck my finger in my mouth and spat out the murky brown liquid. It tasted terrible, worse than England’s scones. And they were disgusting. I collected the bandages and after washing the wound, placed them around his abdomen, where a large bloody gash lay, probably sliced using a knife. Getting up to order McDonald’s, emerald orbs stared into my cerulean ones.

“Iggy! Dude, you’re awake!” I chuckled, glomping him.

“Ouch…” He grumbled, pushing me away.

“Oh sorry. How are you feeling?” I asked, sitting beside the English nation.

“It hurts me more that you insist on using vile American slang, then you glomping me git.” He mumbled, glaring at me. I was silent as he announced, “Alfred, I remember everything now.”

“Tell me then.” I beg, pouting and giving him those puppy eyes nobody could resist… nobody but…  England… Aw damn…

He told me anyway, how some guy had attacked him, wanting to know more about the countries, how he passed out and how he heard Prussia enter the room. ‘So Prussia attacked the guy in the wardrobe… Good on him.’ Whilst we discussed the broken ceramic vase, and just who the captive rogue was, my phone vibrated.

Speak of the devil, it was Prussia.

Hungary’s POV

Gilbert insisted I use his phone to call Alfred, as it was ‘awesomer’ in his opinion, so I did. The nation picked up eventually.

“Hey dude, what’s up?” Alfred cheerfully yelled. I winced at his loud voice, clutching my ear. Maybe this was a terrible idea.

“It’s me Hun- Elizaveta. We need your help.” I started, clearing my throat.

“The hero is at your service!” he declared as I facepalmed. “Has it got anything to do with England being beaten up by some weirdo?”

“Yes, also the girl that was at the meeting with us… She has been kidnapped, and we need you to unlock a gate for us.”

“ ’Course I can, I have every key in America. Where are you dudette?”

“Gilbert and I are heading to the mansion which Adeline grew up in. It’s where they are holding her. We are sure of it. It’s called Crystalline Mansion.”

“Kay, see you there in around an hour.”

I ended the call and sighed. Hopefully we would find Adeline, before it was too late. If it wasn’t already.

“So is he on his way?” Gil questioned me, whilst we drove past yet another McDonald’s.

“Yes. He said he would meet us at the mansion in an hour.”

I looked out the window. It was dark, the sky was a royal blue, with streaks of turquoise tainting the soft white clouds which buried the white light of the moon. It was beautiful. I thought back to my childhood days with Gil, where we would explore forests and duel like the crazy kids we were. I giggled, remembering the day when he found out I was a girl. His reaction, speechless for ages was hilarious; just to think and reminisce about.

“Hey what’s so funny?” Gilbert interrupted, as we stopped in the heavily trafficked motorway.

“Nothing.” I guffawed, as he raised an eyebrow.

The cars in front of us started moving slowly, so Gilbert began to manoeuvre his way through the different lanes. Finally he drove ahead faster, onto a clear lane. The lights were dimmer here and I could faintly make out a shadow, crossing the lane as Gilbert sped up hastily.




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