Chapter 9- Out

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This one is super long, but I promised you guys a double update so YAY. Enjoy (There is some GerIta for you fangurlies), and Gilbird will land in your hair if you can guess who the kidnapper's puppet is... *gasp*

Prussia: Hetalia doesn't belong to us, but to the awesome- but not as awesome as me- Hidekaz Himaruya... *Gilbird lands in his hair.*


Adeline's POV

It turned out we were in a van in the woods. I had heard the weirdly accented man tell this to his friend, and knew this was my opportunity to escape. Playing unconscious, I waited until they left me alone, chained up in the small space. With all my strength, I burst the cuffs off and climbed up the notches on the wall to reach the skylight. I opened it and slowly pulled myself onto the roof of the van. Strange enough, there was some muffled howls. Were there dogs in the van? I shrugged it off and eavesdropped on a conversation.

"Where's our puppet?"

"Dunno mate. He will come back soon."

"Forst lets sow't out this li'l brat, and make her pay," (First, let's sort out this little brat and make her pay)

"Sounds like a plan."

Leaping off the roof of the stationary van, I landed with a small thunk in a mass of grass and mud. I heard no sounds from the van, so without hesitation I sprinted into the heart of the forest, not looking back. I stumbled through twigs and foliage that was conveniently placed in the direction I was running in. Soon I turned around and could not see the van, or hear any shouting from my captors. I jogged alertly to slip suddenly. Crouching down, I noticed the grass was muddy. 'I am close to a river.' I turned a full 360 degrees however no river was in sight. In front of me was a tall oak tree with thick stable branches that looked climbable. I leapt onto the first and it did not crack or wobble. Slowly, I stepped onto the next few branches. Around 20 leaps and steps later, I found myself sitting on the very top of the tree, within a tiny bedding of green crisp leaves and red berries. It overlooked the whole forest area, and luckily the van was not in sight. Turning my eyes, I noticed a long light blue stream that fed into a wide pond that was shaped like a heart. I mentally noted its presence, around half a mile away. As I manoeuvred my footing down, I jumped back into the sloppy, mud drenched floor and skipped (not literally), toward the direction of the river- I was so frickin' thirsty!

Prussia's POV

I listened as Elizaveta recited to me, her tale. "...and then I ended up in the bathtub. But for the love of God; I cannot remember the stupid name of the people who did this... It’s like my memory had been wiped." she finished, still in my arms. I blushed at the thought and gently sat her down on the floor.

Thinking hard about her story, I responded; "Maybe they did wipe your memory." She opened her mouth slightly.

"Oh." Eliza suddenly held a hand to her forehead in surprise; a pained look on her face.

"This..." she mumbled, placing a note in my palm. Her striking green orbs shut as she lied down. 'Probably just weak. Poor Eliza.’ I opened the note in my hands. It read:

Do you really think some imbecilic human can lead your countries to peace? Remember what happened last time they got involved? Yes we know you exist and we will find you. Burn this or you'll be next.

My eyes widened. 'Could it be possible... Could they-'

"They have Adeline! Elizaaaa!" I cried out, shaking my friend madly.

She punched me in the nose in retaliation. 'Oww!'

"Oh my god Gil- I'm so sorry!" she apologised- but I could tell she was holding back fits of laughter. I frowned and taking both her hands in mine, helped her off the carpeted ground.

"We have to go." I instructed. "Now."

Hungary's POV

I had never seen him this serious before. He was usually so obnoxious and loud so I was surprised at his robotic composure.

"Gil?" I called out while getting changed in the bathroom, to the Prussian who waited outside,

"Are you okay?"

Without warning, he walked in to respond, while I was clad in just a bra and jeans. He blushed brighter than any of Spain's tomatoes while I laughed manically. After I came out, Gilbert tried his best not to stare at my chest. It didn't work out well so he ended up staring into my eyes. I had never realised what his pair of soft crimson eyes held. I saw pain, love; a whole mystery through the mask that ole' Gil wore.

"Eliza?" he whispered, waving a hand across my face.

I snapped out of my trance-like daydreaming and faced him. 

"I'm ready. Let's go and find Adeline."

Italy's POV

Don't ask me how but I slipped through some of the wider bars in my scary cell and made it out in the open. So far, I was around a mile and a half from my captors, who held me hostage in a creepy white van. After walking a lot, I reached a large three storey house surrounded in woodland and what appeared to be a garden leading into a colossal forest. My chestnut eyes widened as I sauntered in without a care- surprisingly it was open. The house smelled of white paint and was nicely lit and decorated. As I walked in, the floor was laminated and wooden: the walls a peach colour with portraits of people hanging on both sides. The wall to the left bore a winding marble staircase with ornate black patterns wrapped around the oak banisters. I headed into the lounge area, an airy spacious room with a large 50in plasma television and a black and grey leather sofa, as well as a long coffee table. Inside the table were many letters stuffed everywhere messily. It was quite unusual, considering the cleanliness of the house so far. Nosily, I opened a letter and read it to myself.

"Dear House Owner

We do not care if you have a daughter of five, this house belongs to us. By law, we have been ordered to remove you from it as soon as possible. This is not a mere warning, but a serious threat. Do not under estimate us, and if you try and tell anyone else about this, you will be sorry. Your wife was first, and not an easy one at that. Do not force us to do so again. Burn this or you will surely regret it.

Yours Sincerely,"

There was no signature, unusually enough. I was horrified at the intensity of threat that was apparent through each sentence within the short letter. I cramped the letter into my jeans pocket and peered through the window, watching as a burly man came into the house. Stifling a scream, I ran through several rooms until I reached the garden. Hastily, I scrambled through thickets of overgrown grass and found myself in the dead centre of a humungous forest. The only problem now was time. And it was so dark and scary out! *Whimper.* I slipped my mobile out of it secret hiding place in my sock and dialled the first number there. Prussia's. Though I highly doubted he would pick up. The screen on my phone flashed the letters "No service.", as I sighed hopelessly. I looked up into the once light blue sky, now filled with grey blobs. It was going to rain soon.  'I wish Doitsu were here.'

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