Chapter 15- Amnesia

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Woohoo,  Chapter 15!! Thanks for reading and hopefully I can get 150 views...
Ready for another plot twist?

Hetalia doesn't belong to me but to Hidekaz Himaruya.

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America’s POV

I had received the text from Prussia about their accident, so it looked like we wouldn’t be seeing them any time soon. Arthur had fallen asleep, his face pressed against the glass of the window, a thin line of drool sliding from between his lips. It was adorable, funny enough. We were only around forty miles from the mansion so we would be there in less than an hour. As much as I wanted to visit Hungary in hospital- if she even was there- I had to save Adeline as she is our only beacon of hope. I looked over to Arthur who had now got up with a soft groan.

“You ok Artie?” I asked him as he rubbed his eyes drowsily.

The English nation just mumbled something incoherent whilst I indicated left into the nearest exit.

“You idiot- what am I doing here? Why are we on the road? GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!”, Arthur shouted loudly, his eyebrows twitching and face tensing. I was extremely confused. What is he on about? Does he not remember anything? We pulled over at yet another service station and I attempted to get the old man into the fresh air where he would have a clearer mind. I strapped him out and he slapped me several times, grumbling and cursing angrily.

“WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE DOING HERE? WHY HAVE YOU KIDNAPPED ME AND WHY THE HELL DOES MY BACK HURT LIKE HELL?” he yelled, in the middle of the deserted parking area. I sighed and put my hands on his shoulders.

“Look, Arthur you have lost your memory. We came out here to rescue Adeline and someone attacked back at the hotel? Do you remember any of this?” I reassured him, trying to get some answers out of him. He studied my face, as is he was checking whether I was joking or not, and then his frown straightened out a little.

England’s POV

Is he actually serious? There have been times when Alfred has played one too many pranks and jokes on me, but this time he seemed to have this sense of severity about him. It seemed out of character for him and his eyes told me how worried he was.

“The last thing I remember is going to the world meeting Alfred. I am sorry for shouting at you.” I apologised sincerely, waiting for his reaction.

The corners of the nation’s mouth began to tug up as I braced myself for the humiliation and the laughing in my face. It never came. Alfred’s arms wrapped around my back as I struggled to get out of his suffocating grasp. He let go, after I struggled angrily. I looked up again, to see the git heading back to his car. Well that was short lived.

I dragged my feet towards America’s car and stumbled onto the seat. I felt so weak. Why, I did not know, but Alfred kindly assisted me. Funny enough, I used to be the one caring for him. Time does zoom past. The engine started as I sat there buckled up in my seat. My head panged as I thought of the Revolutionary War. Blood gushed out of my nose.

“Awfwed!” I gasped for breath, the flow overwhelming.

He stopped the car and handed me a tissue.

“Are you ok Artie?” he asked anxiously. I shook my head as another pain ricocheted through my skull. Alfred put a hand to my shoulder, and the blood gradually dried up.

“Sorry about that. Let’s go.” I reassured the American.

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