Chapter 4- Emotions

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Yay 12 reads! Sorry, this chapter sucks, but stay with me...

Hetalia doesn't belong to me but to Hidekaz Himaruya.

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I awoke around a few hours later to see that I had been covered with the duvet. 'Must have been Prussia.' Stretching, I pushed open the door to see Prussia eating something.

"Hallo. Are you hungry?" he asked, patting the seat next to him.

"Yes! Really!" I chirped and ran to sit next to him.

"West brought this spaghetti around an hour ago for you. I told him we were sharing so he got some more." he explained, as I savoured every tomatoey bite of the spaghetti.

"Did Italy make this?" Prussia shrugged. He wore a black t-shirt and long tracksuits. I looked down at myself. I still wore denim jeans and my slogan t-shirt. We ate mostly in silence. I was just SO hungry!

"You never told me your name." Prussia stated, as I chewed. Holding up a finger, I carried on chewing and then swallowed.

"It's classified." I remarked, a hand to my hip.

"Why? England could just tell us." he persisted.

"He would not dare." I scowled.

"You sly little minx..." Prussia cried. "Please tell me your name! Pleaseeeeeeeee!"

He poked me repeatedly. It was kind of funny and cute seeing him pout. I flicked his head.


He stood up dramatically on his chair. "If you won't tell zhe awesome me," I rolled my eyes, "I promise you- zhe awesome me will find out! Kesese~"

And with that, I stormed out. He followed.

"Where are you going?" he questioned me, sprinting after me.

"Out." I replied.

He was so annoying. I didn't want to tell him my name, but that was not the half of it. 'Sigh'. I ran down two flights of stairs and Prussia was hot on my trail. 'Why doesn't he just give up?' It was raining outside. 'Shoot, I didn't have an umbrella. Oh well, at least he will go away now.' Strolling into the rain, I found a park bench. It was wet but so was I, so it didn't matter. I was named after my mother and I missed her so much. Tears flowed out my eyes. 'Everyone would be looking for me. And then they'd stop looking; as if I had never existed. It's just not fair.' My hair was soaked, dripping madly. I sat on the bench, everyone had gone home and it was pitch black. Then the rain stopped falling. I looked up to see a black umbrella over my head. The writing on it read "Rain is awesome but my umbrella is more awesome." Turning my head to the side I saw Prussia; staring at me with a smile on his face. His crimson eyes were pitiful.

"What's wrong?" he asked lightly, sitting on the wooden bench next to me.

"I just miss my family ... Why did you have to kidnap me? They will always wonder where I went... That I might have ran away out of selfishness..." , I blubbered and Prussia put an arm around my shoulder as I wept. We returned to the hotel reception around ten minutes later to see a familiar blond German standing there with his arms crossed to his chest.

"Vhere have you been?" Germany spoke; irate.

He must have seen Prussia's look of pity and my puffy red eyes; "Go on then." he dismissed, waving his hand.

Entering the cigarette smoke smelling elevator, I asked Prussia "Why do you call Germany "West"?"

Chuckling, he replied "I used to be East Germany and he was Vest Germany during the Cold War- and I was abolished in 1947", I nodded my head in understanding and stepped out the elevator with the Prussian.

I unlocked the door with one of those credit card shaped keys and began to announce to my roommate,

"I am going to shower now so don't intrude-" But Prussia had disappeared. Sighing it off, I undressed and showered myself, using a sweet apricot smelling scrub. 'Mmm nummy.' Drying myself with a plain white towel, I changed into my pink checked pyjamas and the super cute bunny slippers that Germany had bought me. Sticking a comb into my wet hair, I sauntered out of the bathroom to be greeted by a very sleepy England.

"Hi. About our deal... Sorry I kind of told Prussia as he bugged me."

'Fudgecake' I groaned and hit Iggy in the arm so he left. Prussia was in my room for some odd reason, sitting on the bed.

"You have a beautiful name Adeline." he cooed. I blushed rapidly.

"I-I hate it t-though..." I stuttered.

"It is unique and awesome liebe." he responded, as I sat next to him.

"What does liebe mean?" I ask. What can I say, I was curious... It was his turn to go a light shade of pink.

"It means love or darling." he gulped.

It was silent for around a minute.

"Is there a hairdryer anywhere?" I asked, tapping my fingers against the wall.

Prussia shrugged. "Uh... Hungary has one I think... She on the first floor, room 111."

I thanked him and went to find her. The door was answered by a pretty brunette with wavy hair that fell down to her back. She had emerald eyes and pink cheeks.

"Hello. You must be that girl Prussia was on about. I'm Hungary-", she paused, "-his friend." she lent out a hand. I smiled and shook it.

"Do you have a hairdryer I could borrow?" I whisper.

She walked into her room and went to find one. When Hungary came back she put a hand to my shoulder, I noticed that we are around the same height. She handed me a neon pink hairdryer with the words "Hungary" inscribed on the side and I thanked her, trudging up the stairs.

Flinging the door open to my room, I saw Prussia wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

"You got one then?" he said, his back facing me.

Turning around; he saw my puffy eyes. "What happened?" he mouthed, sitting my down next to him. I spilled out about my mother's unknown death, my father's disappearance and how I was adopted at the age of 8. He comforted me. It was nice to know someone so obnoxious had a kind heart.

"Though he can seem emotionless, I still would miss Vest if he died. Old Fritz was a father to me and when he passed, I felt lost and was dissolved. I feel your pain Adeline. I really do."

A single tear trickled down his cheek. A loud chirping spoilt the moment, followed by a pecking to the window. A tiny yellow bird, the size of my fist was perched on the window sill. Prussia's face glowered as he skipped to open the window, letting in a chilly breeze. It nestled in his hair and he stroked it lightly.

"Gilbird I have missed you dearly; my good friend." he petted, chuckling gently. I laughed and closed the window.

That night, I agreed to let Prussia sleep in my bed, as long as he didn't try anything. He snored lightly as I drowsily fell into a deep sleep...

*My dream*

It was raining. I could hear shouting and sobbing from downstairs. I crept into the hallway. The lights were on and my parents were fighting. This seemed unusual, as they were always happy. I hid behind a wall and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"You can't leave us! After everything..." my mum wailed through salty tears to my dad.

"I've got no choice. They found us, and there's nothing I can do about it. Goodbye."

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