Chapter 14- Trouble

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Aloha again. I felt bad for such a short previous chapter, so here it is. Get ready to be MINDBLOWN.


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Germany’s POV

I awoke to darkness, and felt extremely restricted and claustrophobic. Where was I? My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I attempted to step forward. There was no space and my feet were bound tightly. No wonder I felt so numb. I tried to punch through my captivity however I found that my wrists were tied too. I tightened my muscles and broke the towels that were around them. I did the same with my ankles and began to kick open the door. It was locked. 'Damn it.' I quickly realised I was donned in all black, woollen  clothing and a Swiss Army knife was tucked in my pocket, the blade hidden. Pulling it out, I sliced through the crack and after many attempts, it swung open loosely.

As light fell into the wardrobe I had been tied up in, I saw that the towels were printed with the Union Jack flag. 'So England did this to me? I am going to kill-' A pang to the side of my head dropped me to my knees, as I observed pieces of vase in the woollen mask I wore. ‘What happened?’ Observing England’s hotel room, I saw that his room was well kept and neat, except for a broken vase that lay on the floor near the bathroom. Some dried up blood lay on the floor, stuck onto the fibres of the carpet. I assumed it was mine. Then I saw a chair and water lay in small drops around it. A note was on the carpet under the chair. I picked it up and it read “You’re next” and was written in blood. This was sickening to look at and I dropped it in shock. A small ceramic mug was placed on the coffee table and a tiny drop of murky brown liquid lay inside it. Resisting the urge to gag, I recognised it as Earl Grey tea; the English nation’s favourite. Caught by surprise, I held my clammy palm to my forehead- another sharp pain pulsing against my skull. Darkness consumed me as I sank into the fibres of the red carpet.

Adeline’s POV

I had been scampering around for ages to find shelter; and even though my eyes had attempted to adjust to the dark as best as they could; I was finding it hard to navigate. My eyes drooped now and again and I was beginning to fall asleep. I was exhausted and dragged my feet lazily through the mud, dirt and rainwater. My hand brushed onto a tree as I gripped the coarse, tough trunk. My fingers pricked with blood as I grasped tighter; losing my balance. Slumping down into the grass and my head cushioned into the splintering bark of the tree. My eyelids shut as I drowned into a deep sleep.

Light blinded me as my eyes opened. Squinting slightly, I saw blades of grass glimmer in front of me, a path forming in the midst of the trees. Sunlight bathed the emerald green leaves that were bared by the chocolate branches. Stretching my arms out, I hit my hand against a twig and groaned in pain. It had been less than a day that I had been on the run yet I stank terribly. Rainwater, mud, dirt, grass and bear shit all soaked into my clothing and the result was just as bad as the smell of England’s inedible scones. And they were absolutely putrid. I got up to my feet and examined the sky. It was pale blue, wafting clouds here and there. The sun glistened through the gap in the clouds. I footed myself correctly and looked to my surroundings. My eyes widened greatly as I recognised where I was. How did I get back here? God, I was in big trouble.

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