Chapter 23- Discovery

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Sorry for the delayed updates, my computer broke and I've been enjoying the "sun."


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Prussia’s POV

The doctors said that Eliza could go home today. Her headaches were getting less frequent and she was laughing more. I remembered the conversation we had had after Roderich had been “removed”:

“You seemed angry when Roddy asked me to marry him, Gil. Why was that?” Eliza asked me, seemingly innocent.

I paused, not really knowing why.

“I hate that Austrian, and it didn’t seem fair that you should end up with him.” I replied honestly, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

Eliza began to laugh loudly, covering her mouth with her hand. I had just stood there, an eyebrow raised in confusion.

“Never mind,” she assured me, patting my shoulder.

I snapped back to reality as something soft and feathery nestled in my hair.

“Gilbird!” I chuckled, as the fat bird refused to come onto my hand. I scooped the mass of yellow feathers and wings into my palm and tickled his head. He just chirped quietly.

“Let’s go and see Auntie Eliza, okay?” I cooed, pushing open the door to the operating theatre.

“ELIZA?” I yelled into the empty room. She was gone. Scheiße.

Adeline’s POV

My insides are on fire, my tongue stings and head burns. That putrid cupcake, seemingly tasty on the outside was absolutely revolting inside. Mushy, uncooked bits of human flesh and rotten bones were under a layer of icing and cream. After the last bite, I retched, throwing up all over the floor which I hung over. Vomit stuck to my hair and now I smelt repulsive. As I wiped my mouth, my tongue swirled around inside it, attempting to remove the taste of Oliver’s cupcake from my mouth. It was no use, I was a mess; my appearance dishevelled and scruffy, my scent repulsive and revolting and I sensed that help was far away. I looked up to face my captor, to see he had gone.

“Oliver?” I yelled. There was no response. My voice just echoed and I felt as if I were talking to myself.

It seemed like the time to reflect; after all it was now or never. I thought back to the meeting and how I was destined to be a country. What country could I be? Then, on cue, I passed out.

I awoke in a dream. I stood up to see a hospital-like area. Everything was white; the ceiling, floor, walls and there was one door that was painted bright red. The sign on it read “EXIT.” Immediately, I ran to it, as it was only a few metres away. I gripped the doorknob and started to turn it…

“STOP!” a voice warned, and I turned around to face them.

The woman who had called out to me was tall and pretty, with her blond hair in a stiff bun and her icy blue eyes fixed on me. I didn’t need to ask her who she was- I already knew.

“Mum!” I yelled, flinging my arms around her neck, on the verge of tears. She embraced me and smiled.

“It has been a while hasn’t it, my snowflake?” my mum sighed, her hand ruffling my vomit covered hair.

“How are you here? Am I dreaming? Am I dead?” I questioned rapidly, leaving my mother amused.

“You always were one to ask questions,” She reminisced, nostalgia clouding her eyes, “You are only dreaming. There is however, something important that I have to tell you.”

I stared at my mother, who was dead serious, her lips threatening to frown and hands on my shoulders. I simply nodded and she continued.

“I know about the countries. I know you are destined to be one.”

She paused, as if to give me time to process the information. I gave her a look of reassurance and she inhaled.

“Ad, sweetie, I was a country before my… er… passing,” she swallowed and my eyes brimmed with tears, “I am biologically your mother- never ever forget that.”

“What country were you Mum?” I ask her, as she wipes away a tear.


I shot up as a felt a blow to my leg. Grasping it in pain, I looked to see the taller man standing over me with a crowbar.

“Wake up.” He grumbled, disgusted at my appearance.

I was so irritated, I was about to find out what country I was. I closed my eyes to try and get back to sleep. Suddenly, a cold gush of water streamed down my back and on my face, my eyes opening in shock. Shivering, the taller man grinned at me, holding an empty bucket from which the water had come from.

“That will help with that putrid smell, don’t you think?” he remarked, smugly.

I just glared at him, with the little strength I had left. My whole body trembled. Did he put ice in that? What a bastard! I looked him up and down and came to a horrible realisation. He was over six foot tall, carried a crowbar and had dark reddish brown hair… He was Russia’s 2P!

“Y-You’re Nickolai, aren’t you?” I stuttered, my nerves numb and hair dripping wet.

2p Russia just stood over me, nodding his head slowly. The door opened, letting in a sliver of light from the outside world. I savoured it before coming face to face with my captor once again.

“Hello again poppet.”

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