Chapter 5- Of Flashbacks and Prophecies

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I shot up immediately; tears running down my wet face. Prussia stirred and woke.

"What's wrong Ad?" he whispered.

"I had a horrible nightmare," I moaned through sobs and sniffles. Two arms wrapped around me.  I dozed off.


I aroused after Prussia poked me several times. "Hngh..." I mumbled. Prussia looked at me with kind eyes.

"We need to get to the meeting in an hour..." he explained. I nodded and showered, changing into a smart blouse and trousers.

"You look awesome," Prussia said, whilst I blushed. He was standing there, dressed in smart blue military regalia.

"I know," I replied smugly, "And so do you".

Prussia just grinned. "Come on. The meeting is in ten minutes," he ushered, dragging my wrist.

We went in a large silver limousine to the meeting. Inside was comfy, with leathery seats and a mini bar. Austria and Hungary decided to tag along. The journey was mostly silent, except for Roderich's coughing fits. I closed my eyes and remembered...


"Mum?" I yelled.

There was no response. My brown locks were shoulder length and a little rose was tucked behind my ear. I headed into my garden, and saw that a figure was lurking behind the forest.

"Mum?!" I yelled again.

'She just wants to win hide and seek.' Running through the thickets of leaves, I fell into a muddy swamp. My legs plummeted down and soon my hands were digging deep. I struggled to get out. Drowning, my fingertips flailed at the surface of the swamp and I choked. When I was on the verge of passing out; a figure pulled me out.

When I woke, I saw a body lying beside me. I nearly vomited at the sight of their dishevelled countenance. It was revolting to think how they ended up this way.   They were covered in mud from head to toe, similar to me. I coughed out the brown liquid and clambered over to see my rescuer. I didn't need to be a genius to know who the person was.

MUM!" I screamed.

 I brushed her blond hair; drenched brown at the tips, out of her face and tears streamed down my cheek. A single bullet was pressed into her leg and several cuts on her abdomen. I tucked two fingers under her chin. No pulse. Wailing and screaming, I dropped my body onto that of my dear mother. Then I felt a severe pain. In my chest, a small bullet laid, scarlet puddles lying under my dress. In a second it all went dark.

*End of flashback*

"Adeline?" A voice whispered.

It was Prussia, my blushing face was in his lap, and I stared into his crimson orbs. I yawned, stretching and whacking him in the nose accidentally.

"Ow..." he yelled.

“Sorry." I apologised sitting up to see fifty faces locked on me. Heat rose up my cheeks as I slumped down quickly.

"Anyways dudes..." America awkwardly muttered. "I propose we build a giant hamburger machine to solve world food shortage." he yelled spontaneously; a hamburger in his hand- obviously.

There were groans and grumbles from the countries and I giggled to myself.

You bloody git! Is that some sort of joke?" a very familiar voice shouted from the American's left. America just pouted with those cute sky blue puppy dog eyes.

England however, seemed unfazed. "I suggest we allow Germany to explain this one's presence." he confronted, pointing a finger at me. Again, I went red with embarrassment as all eyes fell on me. Germany stood up with a stern look on his face.

"Adeline is due to be a country." he stated bluntly. Gasping and 'o's formed from the crowds of countries. Germany banged a fist onto the table. Immediately everyone fell silent and he continued.

"Let me explain. A year ago; Italy dragged me to Romania's house. Romania told me that he had been expecting me and did some veird magic. He opened a portal and read out what he called "A peace prophecy." It told that a teenager vould recognise me and lead the countries to vorld peace. So from then on, I awaited the day I vould meet them. A veek ago; I found Adeline and believe she vill lead us to a better future."

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