Chapter 7- Attack

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ANOTHER UPDATE... *does a wacky dance.* So, what's in store for our determined protagonist, eh? That sounded incredibly cheesy and I apologise immediately :P

Gilbird: Piyo~ Hetalia doesn't belong to us, but to Hidekaz Himaruya... *flies away*

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Adeline's POV

"Ungh..." I murmured when the bright lights of a room shone directly in my eyeballs. "Hello there sweetie." a raspy voice greeted, ever so patronising. 'This guy is an arsehole'.

"Are you a country?" he spat. Then I realised he sat opposite me on a desk and was shining a torch on me. My hands were tied and so were my feet. It was dark in this room; too dark for my liking.

"Are you a country?" he hissed, more violently this time. When I gave no answer, he put a knife to my throat, under my jugular vein.

"N-no..." I stuttered nervously. 'Play dumb.'

"So it will hurt if I do this then!" he threatened. Without hesitating, the man stabbed the knife into my arm and pulled it out. 'Ouch.' It did hurt. But I tried to keep the pain in, stifling a small "Ow...".

My captor laughed sadistically. "You going to tell me the truth or what?" he spoke, more seriously this time.

"I-I don't know... W-what you are talking about..." I cowered, hoping my little act was convincing.

"'Ow stupid d'you think we are eh?" A new voice pushed, kicking me hard in the side. With that I shut my eyes and felt a surge of energy rushing through my brain. My bonds fell loose and the room was lit up.

"What the hell...?" the first guy shouted.

Prussia's POV

I couldn't sleep much. It was dark in the hotel and there was no signal whatsoever. And lastly, Adeline had not returned. I had a most unawesome feeling in the pit of my she was in danger. Some light seeped through the room as I ventured into the corridor. 'Right, now Hungary's room was downstairs'... So I trudged down a few flights of stairs. Found it. I knocked on the door, to realise it was open.

 "Hungary?" I called. No response.

"Elizaveta?" Again, there was no response. All the lights were on in her room, but considering nobody was here- it was quite freaky! The bathroom door was shut, water running. 'Ah... So she was in the shower. That would explain her silence.' I pushed it a little and cried Hungary's name through the door. 'Ok.. I guess I have to enter.' The thought made me blush slightly... As I slid the door open, the lights blinded me. But what I saw next was horrific. Hungary wore a small pink nightgown and was floating in the bathtub. She had passed out. My mouth was wide open as I lifted her out, my sleeves of silk wet. I placed her on the tiled floor next to the tub and shook her awake. No response. Tucking two fingers under her chin, I found that she was still alive, but unconscious.

"Eliza! Come on!" I yelled, compressing the middle of her chest. I sucked in a large breath and gave her mouth to mouth. A few seconds later, she choked uncontrollably, water flooding out of her mouth. She opened her soft green eyes, which were misty and watery.

"G-Gil...?" she whispered. I pulled her into a hug.

"Gott sei Dank..." (Thank God in German) I breathed into her hair, "What happened to you?" I asked my voice no louder than a whisper.

"E-England..." she urged worriedly.

"Huh?" I confusedly remarked.

 "E-England... H-help... H-him..." she stifled, then passed out again, her mouth still open.

Gently, I closed it and made my way to England's room. Reaching the door next to an elevator; I noticed that it was open a crack. I stepped in to see England. But he seemed... Different. He sat opposite me, his blond hair wet and dripping randomly on the sides of his face. England's eyes were closed and face drenched in water, pale skin wrung like tissue. His mouth was pursed in a small, thin line and he stunk of dried rainwater. The country had his arms drooped over his knees so I could not see his upper torso. Then I saw it. The blood. It leaked off his fingertips. 'Oh my god', I yelled internally. Lifting his arms and head up gently, I saw the words "You're next", written in blood on a piece of paper, stuck to his military uniform. I removed the paper to see a cut in his abdomen, where the blood had come from.

"England?!" I yelled, shaking him quickly. I received no response, though his chest rose and fell normally. There was a loud bang and I heard a husky voice grunt.

"We warned 'yer 'yowd be next." My heart stopped.

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