Chapter 24- Danger

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I'm hoping to end this book on the next chapter and then create a sequel because I'm lazy like that :P

The name will be up on the next chapter.

Arigato for reading!

Hetalia doesn't belong to me...

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America's POV

The car rammed into a fairly large oak tree, around 20 metres high. I felt Arthur trembling as he braked hard, attempting to stop it. But it was already too late. There was a crack as the windscreen shattered and glass fell to the ground. I looked to Arthur who was shaking and paler than I had ever seen.

"A-Artie?" I whispered, the words hard to form.

Arthur just stared straight ahead, looking at something through what was the windscreen. I followed his gaze curiously. At a first glance my eyes widened and I too began to tremble and shake. My heart thumped uncontrollably and sweat slid down my forehead.

What was this?

Germany's POV

The smoke had cleared by now and I had hoped to find Kiku. After a few hours of searching I came across a small hotel room with sakura blossoms decorating the door. Knocking three times, I heard some shuffling and came face to face with the man I'd been looking for.

Kiku stood before me, calm as ever, his face showing no signs of worry or distress.

"I need to speak with you. I have reason to believe that Feliciano is in danger." I said to the Japanese man.

He nodded and led me inside. The room had a soft carpet as the others did, but the smell of sushi was strong in the air.

Sitting down on an armchair, I began to explain my story.

"I believe that I was controlled by the same people that kidnapped Adeline and Feli. They got me to harm Arthur, Elizaveta and even my own brother. Kiku, we need to find them before its too late- before a country dies."

Kiku sat there in silence, contemplating the matter.

"You don't have to worry about that. I believe this is the doing of the 2Ps. If they were to kill one of us, they would kill the corresponding 2P counterpart."

Prussia's POV

Immediately I ran to the receptionist who was shaking in fear. I asked her if she had seen someone take Eliza.

"They had me a-at gunpoint..." She whispered, trembling and shivering.

I sprinted to the carpark to see a large black van driving away quickly. That had to be them. Without thinking, I smashed a car window and unlocked it. After a tweak or two, it started up and I followed after the van.

I headed down the road, tailing the van closely. From the corner of my eye, I saw it. The silver shining object. The gun.

In seconds, a bullet flew towards me, into my shoulder. My arm tensed, numb with pain. I felt like my whole body was on fire. I carried on driving as more bullets pinged off the car, some at the wheels and others missing me by centimetres. A last bullet fired, deflating the last wheel. The car swerved uncontrollably as it rammed in the side of the bridge which crumbled immediately. I felt myself tip over as the car plummeted into the murky depths of the water below. I had failed her.

My hand sneaked into my jeans pocket as I read the letter that France gave to me.

"Tibi Moriendum Est"

(Latin: You must die )

Adeline's POV

Oliver grinned manically, his eyes gleaming with insanity.

"A little birdie told me you were sleeping..." he began, pausing as if to receive a reply.

"What did you dream about?" Oliver questioned, his smile disappearing.

I stayed silent, I didn't have the energy to speak. Oliver narrowed his eyes and muttered something inaudible under his breath. Suddenly my stomach contracted, vomit filling up in my mouth. My cheeks puffed out as I attempted to hold it in. It was no use. A sea of yellow burst out of my mouth and onto the floor. Barely recovering from the sudden outburst, I felt round two fill inside my throat, spewing out onto the ground.

"I can stop that when you tell me what you dreamt about. " Oliver persisted, his finger twirling around a pink lock of hair.

I raised a hand in defeat. My mouth opened and tongue moved but no sound came out. Oliver smirked as he mumbled incoherent incantations.

"M-my mum..." I spoke without realising.

"I see," Oliver confirmed, a hand on his chin, "I knew your mother. A brave strong woman who fought for what she believed in. She hated the countries - funny enough."

"I don't believe you..." I cried, my head aching with his lies.

"Ah but it is true. I know how much she loved you... enough to sacrifice her last life. How pathetic..." Oliver reminisced, resisting the urge to grin.

My fists clenched tightly as my eyes welled with tears of anger.

"You! You killed her, you piece of shit!" I screamed furiously, spitting onto the ground and attempting to break free from the chains.

Oliver walked up to me and held my chin up to his face.

"Tut tut, it is not right for a girl to swear like that, especially when their life is on the line..." Oliver teased, gripping my jaw tightly.

I yelled in pain as I heard my jaw click. But the more I struggled, the tighter his grip became. Without thinking, I closed my eyes and passed out.


I woke up in a dark, pitch black room , sleeping on a red, tiled floor. Opening my eyes fully, a light flickered on, putting me in a spotlight. Quickly, I got up and looked for a way out. The walls were smooth all the way around and it looked like I was trapped. Crap. A creak sounded and I could sense someone was there.

"I've been waiting for you."

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