Chapter 13- Urgency

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Sorry it's so short. Wow, nearly 100 views- Gilbird is impressed!!!

Gilbird: Piyo~ Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya not to the awesome us! *Flies away to Prussia*

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Adeline’s POV

I found a small cave near the river, after I drank from it substantially. Crouching down into it, I adjusted my eyes to the immediate darkness and felt my surroundings with the centre of my palm. The edges were crooked and sharp, and pricked my fingertips. My foot sloshed into something with a loud splash and I shuddered. Bending down, I traced my fingers onto the surface of the suspicious substance. I held the scent on my fingers to my nose. In a second, I wrinkled my nostrils in disgust. It smelled shit. Literally. One loud growl later, I assumed it wasn’t my stomach and ran out of the cave screaming (not literally). With much care, I traced my steps through the mud, until it got thicker and wetter. I observed the river that I had previously drunk from. Looking at the sky through the glassy reflection pooled on its waves, I saw the light pink hue mixed in with a bright orange streak of light. It was beautiful indeed, but time was running out. I needed to find shelter. Quickly.

Prussia’s POV

I heard her scream for the first time in my life. It was a high pitched wail with fear echoing through it. A large deer had scampered across the lane from a nearby forest and I had rammed into it and spun almost out of control. Even though I was dissolved, I still had the stamina of a country, and I came out my car with very few cuts. Eliza however, was passed out on the back seat, the side of the car she sat on had hit the motorway barrier and rubble lay on top of her.

“Eliza!” I yelled, scampering quickly to pull her out.

A shallow pool of blood lay around her head and I panicked at the sight of it. I summoned inhumane strength and lifted up the roof of my once beautiful Ferrari off her and dropped it outside. Cars blared their horns loudly at me but I paid no attention to them. I shook her shoulders but she did not awake. Then I saw it clasped between her hands, my mobile. I pried into out of her grip and surprisingly it had no scratches on it. Without hesitating, I dialled emergency services. I looked at call history on my mobile and saw that America was the last person called. ‘Now to call the hamburger eating fool... Again’

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