The Boy Next Door

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Authors Note: Hey! This book will have different POVs for each chapter, so will start off with Elizabeth and flow on from that! This is my first romance novel and I am British myself, so I am sorry if I get anything from the American point of view wrong as I've never been there! Please correct me on anything I get wrong in the comments and I will try my best to keep on top of corrections! I hope you enjoy and like my story! Also go check out my latest book "bad girl undercover" I'd really appreciate it!!

Elizabeth's POV:

I'm still not used to the idea of not wearing a uniform at school, despite living in America for four years now, I still find it strange having to look and put together an actual outfit everyday for school. Mine usually consists of ripped jeans, band t-shirts and my leather or denim jacket, but perhaps if it's hot I'll wear a dress under my denim. Sometimes (most of the time actually) if I'm running late I tend to just go in my pyjama tops and I throw some leggings and ugg boots on, today is sadly one of those days. I have five minutes to run downstairs and get in the car, of which my mother is furiously screaming at me whilst my best friend is consistently beeping the horn at me. In my rush and panic I slip my boots on and throw my hair into the usual messy bun, pull a few strands out around my ear so I look like it was a planned mess rather than my un-brushed bed head mess. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I shove a piece of gum in my mouth seeing as I'm running late and you's basically the same as toothpaste right? Ugh who cares anyway, I'm not trying to impress anyone which explains my lack of make-up. I burst through my door and tumble down the stairs, my mother is standing at the bottom with one hand on her hip and the other with a lukewarm cup of coffee, her face is plastered with annoyance

"Seriously Liz, this is the third time this week I've had Charlie beeping that horn and me standing here screaming with your coffee! Do I need to start waking you up again like I did when you were eight?" She rants at me whilst I chug the coffee, yes still with the gum in my mouth, yes disgusting I know, but I'm rushing, cut me some slack! Throwing my mum a feeble smile I hand her back the cup

"No mother, of course not, but if you could do all my homework for me like you did then that would be fantastic!" I exclaim with joy, she throws me a forced smile before I kiss her on the cheek and proceed to sprint out of the front door to the green Ford Fiesta that is impatiently awaiting my arrival. I slide into the familiar seat of my best friend's car and sigh out a breathe of relief, I'm on time therefore just missing a bollocking from Charlie for making her wait. I smirk at her knowing that she can't get mad, no matter how much she wants to scream.

"Just because you did it today, doesn't mean tomorrow you will make it Baker." She jokingly threatens as she winks and begins to speed off down the road to school. I've known Charlie since I was twelve, practically the day I moved in she ran to my house and knocked desperately asking to play and since then we've been as thick as thieves. Since she got her license she would drive up from the bottom of our road and pick me up and we've done this routine at least a thousand times, me running down usually screaming that I'm coming and she would angrily beep her horn until I practically dived through the car window.

We pull up to school and get out of the car and make our way to lockers, I'm not used to them either. In England we never had them, it was usually 'carry all your books and suffer with the back pain so we don't have to pay for the storage space' sort of attitude towards the students. I still treat my locker as the best luxury ever at school, you'd think it was the fact I get to wear no uniform, but as we already know I find that incredibly stressful.

After waving goodbye to Charlie (her locker is in a very different place to mine) I head to unlock my own grey storage box. As I open my locker I grab my books for first period and slam it shut, to be faced with George Moore, popular jock and funny guy who happens to be my best friend's twin brother.

"So, Lizzie, my car has sadly broken down so my sister and your lovely self are going to have to give me and maybe the boys a lift home." He says in a teasing and outright annoying tone.

"It's Liz or Elizabeth, you know that. Now sorry about the car, but good luck trying to get your sister to agree to allowing you in the car home, let alone Joe and Max. I doubt you will all fit anyway." I retort sarcastically and informatively. Joe Sebold and Max Golding are the two other popular boys at my school and oh how they irritate me. I've always sympathised Charlie for having to live with one of them, seeing as I cant stand to be around them for one hour let alone my whole life. These boys have always been the bane of my life, taunting and teasing me because I've never had a boyfriend and shut down any boy who has tried to flirt, now they tend to just call me a lesbian because I don't feel like getting my heart broken when I have my exams. So as I'm sure you can tell they infuriate me.

"Oh come on, don't be so uptight Liz it's just a ride home, fifteen minutes or twelve if we step on it. And you know you love us really!" He winks cheekily. Sorry I forgot to mention, if I'm not a lesbian I'm head over heals in love with one of them.

"Try again Georgey Porgey Puddintun Pie!" I grin mockingly and storm off. And that is basically my day, other than of course the teasing ride home, school was just as uneventful as usual.

As I got out of the car I sympathetically wave to Charlie, who currently has three childish boys in the back of her car screaming and laughing. I begin to trot up my drive when i notice a large moving van in the house next door. In the drive of the house is a car, that's strange? No one has bought that house for two years, not surprised considering the price of it. I shrug my shoulders and I assume it's no one interesting moving in there. I begin to fumble for my keys as i make my way up the stairs to my porch and from behind me I hear a loud wolf whistle. I search for where it came from and found that from the car by the other house a young boy, probably the same age as me is leaning against the back door of the vehicle, toned arms and tanned skin. A messy quiff of black hair and piercing green eyes that are staring right at me, great the fourth jock is now living next to me.

"Damn! I didn't know I'd have a hot neighbour!" He yelled as I rolled my eyes and slammed my front door behind me. I just hope to god he doesn't have the room with the window opposite mine. Sprinting up the stairs I throw my bag on my desk chair and run to my window, no one is in there yet. But the door is slowly opening, I'm praying it's not him, I really am. However, my prayers are not answered and the door opens to reveal the heckling boy i had the pleasure to meet outside. I speedily shut my curtains and curse to the sky for such bad luck, I sigh and realise just how shite my life is about to become.

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