The Boy At My Locker

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Author: Above is a picture of Tom Holland, who I see playing Joe Sebold. I can't believe this story has almost 100 reads, it means so much to me seriously thank you! Do let me know what you think of it in the comments please! I'd love to know what you'd like more or less of! Sorry this one is only short, was quite busy this evening, next one will be longer hopefully:)

Elizabeth Baker's POV:

The weekend was pretty uneventful, other than of course Zach catching me practise. Despite that faux pas, I had a calm and quiet weekend. I randomly got texts or calls from each of the boys with an apology for everything. I'm very confused as to why they are giving this sudden apology, it's taken them four years to do it. But it's better late than never I guess, I have a feeling Charlie has something to do with it.

It's now good ol' Monday morning and I'm packing my bag and slipping on my trainers. I am, as per usual, wearing my AC/DC t-shirt with my medium high-waisted, ripped jeans. I sling my yellow bag over my shoulder and pad down the stairs, making my way to the kitchen to grab my coffee. I drink it calmly and quietly as no one is up and place the mug in the sink. I shuffle to the door and walk outside and wait for Charlie. All I can hear are the birds tweeting softly and the low hum of engines in the distance, until I hear a click of a door to the right of me. Skipping down steps and a pathway is Zach Graye, clearly listening to some kind of music as he bobs his head subtly. Seeing this I decide to pop my headphones in as well and listen to 'Smooth Criminal' by Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, who else? I tap my fingers against my leg, as if I was playing the individual notes along my thigh, mouthing the words, but barely opening my mouth.

"I didn't know you could sing kitten?" I hear a muffled voice say. I pull one of my headphones and look at Zach.

"I wasn't singing aloud was I?" I say, face palming my head and shaking it in my hands.

"You sure were! You weren't awful don't worry, also I like that song, you have good taste kitten." Zach winks, before doing an awful impression of Michael Jackson in front of me. He nears me quickly whilst dancing and takes my headphone and starts listening. I rip it from his ear.

"Excuse me? My headphone and also a please?" I criticise crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Oh ever so sorry your majesty, please may I listen to your music?" He pleads, putting on an awful English accent whilst bowing ever so slightly.

"Due to that awful accent and the previous awful dancing, I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request." I announce, smirking and looking down.

"Oh I didn't know you were Elizabeth Swan?" A huge grin covers his face.

"Wait? You actually got that?" I question beginning to grin myself.

"Um, but of course, it's one my favourites!" He exclaims, chuckling as he does, as if I should have known that.

"Well I guess we found our common interest Graye, I didn't take you for the Jack Sparrow sort of guy." I smirk and turn my head slightly, almost questioning him.

"There should be a Captain in there..." Zach winks again and then begins to laugh a lot. Causing me to start laughing as well, throwing my hair back as I do.

"Very good, very very good!" I admit, still chuckling at the references. If you need to know something about me, I utterly adore the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, I've watched it since an incredibly young child. It would always make me happy, no matter what was happening. Suddenly my thoughts and our laughter has been interrupted by the low growl of Charlie's engine. I quickly wave to Zach and slide into the car, slamming the door and clipping my seatbelt at the same time.

"Well hello? What was that all about?" Charlie questions with eyebrows raised.

"Nothing? He apologised to me and we decided on a truce. It was just a laugh with my neighbour Charlie, nothing more!" I say smacking her knee. "Anyway, I need to ask you, why exactly did I get about seventy million apology messages from all the boys?" I interrogate her subtly.

"I had a firm word with George. By firm word I mean I yelled at him and told him he needs to stop and explained it was basically bullying, when I said that he looked really ashamed and apologised and told all the boys as well. He isn't a bad guy really Liz, you know that don't you?" She looks at me, with a look of hope.

"Yes. Yes I do know that. I just hit breaking point last week is all. You didn't have to do that really, but thank you Charlie, I don't know where I'd be without you!" I say, leaning my head over to her shoulder. I know the boys didn't mean to hurt my feelings to the extent that they did, but they just pushed it I guess. But now I feel like maybe I overreacted...oh god I hate having to forgive people, it makes me feel like I'm the bad one every time. And I wouldn't have called it exactly bullying, it was just teasing that was infinite...I wasn't ever hated by anyone, I always used to get smiled at by most people. I'm not trying to say I'm popular, definitely not, I just wasn't disliked, I don't think anyway.


I'm making my way calmly through the long stretch of glossy concrete, unaware of anyone or anything except where my locker was. I suddenly snap out of my daze when Joe comes bounding up to me, a smile stretching to each ear.

"Uh hello?" I stammer, wondering what on earth is happening.

"Hi Liz! I just wanted to say one more time I'm so sorry for everything and I'm so glad we are friends!" His excited voice startles me causing me to chuckle.

"Um okay Joe, thanks. You don't need to apologise anymore seriously. I just want to go to my locker..." I hope he takes the hint to leave me alone. I don't like him following me like a sheep at all.

"Yeah sure! I'll see you around, by Liz!" He exclaims, jogging off down the hall. I shake my head in confusion as a figure smashes into my side when I reach my locker. I trip over my feet, but swiftly manage to gain my balance and spin around. Zach is facing me, his green eyes staring into mine and his smirk getting wider with every second.

"Subtle Graye, subtle." I respond confidently, breaking our eye contact and unlocking my locker.

"I seriously didn't see you there. I swear!" He declares, I see him lifting his hands up in defence. I don't look at him still and just put my books in the metal box.

"Of course, of course." I utter.

"Seriously, I didn't!" He defends once again, smiling hugely, I'm looking at him now, I raise my eyebrows and turn on my heel and begin walking away.

"Better luck next time Graye!" I call over my shoulder, I don't even hear is response as I smile to myself and keep walking. Today is going to be a good day.

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