The Boy and The Movie

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A/N Oh my god this took me forever to write, I kept saving the chapter and Wattpad kept deleting it, so I've written the whole thing 4 times now, so hopefully it's better than it originally was😂 enjoy!

Elizabeth Baker's POV:

The movie is almost ending, our pizza is demolished and so are our drinks.

As the two characters sail towards doomed New York, I can't stop myself from thinking of earlier today. What I said to Zach...I don't have an interest in you like that...but what if I do?

I mean he's good looking, he's smart, kind, artistic and funny. Not to mention the fact that he acts like he cares about me. And I also can't stop thinking about what Charlie and despite her being crazy, what Jessica said...he may be interested to. I guess it would explain why on a Friday night he isn't going out with his friends getting drunk, rather he is sat on my sofa, watching movies and eating pizza with yours truly. Although it could be out of pity from earlier...but he wouldn't do that...would he?

As the movie ends I stand up and grab the glasses and pizza box, waltzing to the kitchen to put it all away.

"That was so was good." I hear Zach mutter, his deep voice chuckling. I slip a giggle as I sigh.

"It'll do that for you, now you'll watch more recent movies and see how they all nod towards Zombie Flesh Eaters." I call from the kitchen. "Do you want some hot chocolate? I'm making myself some!" I add.

"Uh sure that'd be lovely thanks! I actually really fancy some. So what's next on the agenda?" He asks, I can hear him rummaging through the living room.

"Pick whichever you want from the pile, I like them all!" I call back, popping the milky chocolate drinks into the black microwave. Drumming my fingers against the table top. We were sat so close to one another...and this isn't the first time he's stayed over. Liz you cannot date him! Stop thinking like this, he is a prime example of what guys are like. Especially at this age, all they want is sex and you can tell that by the way he casually sleeps with Jessica and thinks nothing of it. Whereas it leads her to believe that they are together.

The ping of the microwave jolts me from my thoughts, I take out the mugs and walk back into the kitchen. Zach is putting a DVD into the player as I rest his mug onto the coffee table. As I sit down, I snug under more blankets to get cosy.

"So what did you pick us?" I say as he comes and plonks himself down next to me, right next to me. Legs touching and shoulders brushing next to me.

"A common interest I believe." He answers picking up his hot chocolate. He's so close that I can feel his warmth seeping through the blankets and I can smell his cologne engulfing me. I mean it's only one night right...and we agreed we are just friends so I mean we are just friends...

My thoughts are once again ripped from me as the opening credits from the Japanese version of Ring.

"Good choice sir!" I bow my head at him.

"Why thank you my liege," He takes a sip of his drink. "Dah! Ah that's hot, really hot." He says shaking his head in pain.

"Yeah that tends to happen with hot chocolate!" Every word I say drips with sarcasm.

"Oh yeah, very funny Miss Sarcastic." He says I'm a jokingly annoyed voice. Placing his mug back down on the counter and resuming his very close position next to me.

"Oh, hey wait there." I say, tipping his chin towards me, wiping away a drop of chocolate from his cheek with my thumb. His tanned skin is soft, the light five o'clock shadow giving a scratchy feel under my thumb. I look up as his green eyes lock with mine.

Zach Graye's POV:

Her thumb is stroking my cheek, the drop of chocolate already removed and our eyes are locked together. Neither of us daring to look away. I reach my arm up to gently take her hand in mine, her thumb still resting on my cheek.

Her green and brown eyes are glittering back at my own, her brown hair falling in curls around her shoulders and framing her face perfectly. Her porcelain skin glows with no makeup and looks so untouched that if I touch it I'd be scared she'd fall to pieces like china. I slowly move my gaze down to her lips, not taking my hand of her delicate palm, soft in my own fingers. Her pink, lip balm covered lips shine, almost inviting my own to touch them.

Suddenly her face turns away, her head shaking although her hand remains in mine and our bodies are just as close. It was an accident sitting this close but one I sat here I couldn't bring myself to shuffle away, every ounce of her attracts me to be closer. Rather than her moving away and getting upset which she rightly could as we just agreed to be friends. Rather she puts her mug down and leans onto my shoulder our hands still holding in our laps. The movie is just starting and we we just sit there, like this.

Everything's running through my mind, the bet, the new additions to the bet that the boys discussed as we were walking to the cars after last period. I remember Joe saying that he and the rest of the boys in our grade will give me $20 if I kiss her, $50 if I sleep with her. I'm racking through my brain thinking if it's worth it.

What if she finds out? Could I actually cause someone that much pain, just to prove I'm good with girls? I have to admit I really care for Liz...I couldn't bare anything to happen to her. I've known her almost two months now, seeing her every single day. I wonder if she thinks the same...if she cares about me that way. She was so understanding on the Ferris wheel about my dad and she's had me over to rant and talk about anything and everything. She's taken beatings for me for Christ's sake, when do you meet a girl who'd do that for you...

Maybe she does feel that way, maybe that's why instead of her leaving that's why she's got her head resting on my shoulder and her arm now around my abdomen. Her hair smells like coconuts, and I think I could sit here forever.


The movies been going on for an hour now and I'm still thinking about it all, I can feel Liz is dozing off as her head has slipped onto my chest and we are both lying down basically. Her breathing is deep, but sweet, occasionally a small whistles will escape her nose and I can't help but think how adorable it is.

My head is resting on top of hers, breathing in the coconut smell of her hair every time I breathe through my nose. I reach for the remote as I turn the volume of the telly on mute and my eyes start to droop. I feel myself falling into sleep, a deep, deep sleep...

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