The Boy and My Brother

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Authors note: Hello, on the last chapter I said there would be a cast list, now I have made one but I'm not sure if it is showing up? If not I will make a special chapter listing the cast list for you, so you can have an idea of what I feel the characters look like! This is going to be a different POV from a different character rather than Elizabeth or Zach so I really hope you all enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!! Above is a picture of Zach (Francisco Lachowski) who I really picture as Zach, he may be used a lot for this sort of character, but I think there is definitely a reason why and it's because he suits it so well. I hope you like it and don't forget to comment and vote!xxx

Charlie Moore's POV:

Zach Graye has moved in next door to Elizabeth Baker, my best friend. He also sits next to her in English, she looked so annoyed when Ms. Green put him there, in fact she looked fed up and tired. But now it's lunch and she's getting herself food from the cafeteria while I find us a table. I scan the room from one end to another and find a clean and empty table right in the corner of the cafeteria, I pace as fast as I can and slump myself down in clear seats. I lift my feet up and rest them on the seat opposite me, just so no one can sit there and I begin to dig into my sandwich my mom fantastically made me. I hear footsteps behind me and a low laugh, great it's my brother and his entourage. This should please Liz to another fucking level.

"Piss off little brother you aren't sitting here." I bluntly say, not even looking at any of them.

"Oh come on, you're seventeen minutes older than me and no one is occupying these seats..." He pleads sarcastically.

"That's seventeen more minutes of life and experience, therefore making me older and in charge. So like I said piss off. And actually Liz is occupying that seat." I nod my head towards the seat that I'm using as a foot rest.

"She has a point, she is technically older than you, little bro." I hear Joe say, nudging my brother forwards. God, do they not have the inability to be mature ever? I know Liz is going to show up any second and she's not had exactly the best day, thanks to these gentlemen surrounding me. It won't go well.

"My god, can you not leave me alone for one hour? I have been sat next to one of you in each lesson today and the one hour I am able to sit away from your teasing and annoying behaviour, you decide to surround me and my best friend? What the hell is wrong with you?" A higher pitched voice complains...uh oh. Liz is here.

"I swear I tried to get rid of them Liz I did, but my baby brother is being an immature dick so I struggled. I saved you a seat though!" I say gesturing towards the seat my legs are still occupying, smiling weakly at her. She breathes a sigh of relief and scrambles to the chair I have reserved.

"What no fair? I'm your brother and you won't let me sit down?!" George pushes, I know he's testing me and waiting for me to crack to let them sit down. I can't budge, not now and especially for Liz.

"Yes well George, in these seventeen minutes more of life I've had, I've discovered that I like Liz and not you, or them." I point towards the bunch of testosterone filled humans eagerly standing behind George and circle them with the tip of my finger.

"So if you didn't understand her cavemen, I'll say it in the politest of ways, piss off !" Liz sarcastically says, smiling at me as she takes a bite into her sandwich.

"Fine, but Charlie, if mom makes you a sandwich and not me one again, I will lose my shit!" Shouts George as his friends slowly drag him away.

"It's because I'm the favourite!" I yell over my shoulder, not bothering to even look at him. Annoying brothers are the worst, especially if they are in all your classes. I look towards Liz, we are both cracking up over the conversation that we had with those boys, I do sympathise her, they tease her so much and no matter what i tell them they never stop. It breaks her sometimes it really does. The name calling, the catcalling and whistling and last night when they played that music really loud just annoy her. It frustrates me so much because I don't know how to help, I ask them to stop all the time, but it just doesn't suffice.

"I can't believe that Graye is sat next to me in English and Biology and your brother or Joe or Max are in every other lesson. He's pretty much sat a seat away from me no matter what unless he's next to me. The only lesson away I have is, quite ironically,drama!" She exclaims loudly, pure frustration in her voice as well.

"Well at least he isn't ruining your favourite lesson for you, I don't know why they can't leave you alone, it's probably because they are all head over heals in love with you, I wouldn't be surprised. You're naturally stunning and a huge challenge for any male on the earth!" I say, instantly biting into my sandwich again. Elizabeth starts making a washing machine motion by her cheek as she is chewing, she swallows and squints in difficulty and begins talking again.

"A challenge? No. I am just uninterested, I know what they can be like, it surrounds us in this hell hole. I place money that the new boy has already started hitting it off with a girl today, most likely Jessica Mayne, let's be honest she's not exactly someone to play hard to get. And that's all that guys think about, sex, sex and more sex!" She sighs, fed up and tired again, staring at her sandwich. I know exactly what she's about to do...

"Throw that away and I will pick it out of the trash and shove it down your throat, I know you're stressed, but don't let them destroy your appetite...please Liz?" I beg, when she's stressed she always loses her appetite, not to an unhealthy level. But no matter, not eating is still not good. Ever.

"I'm not going to throw it away...I'll just save it for later?" She stammers.

"No, you eat it now, I will not watch you go hungry again at the fault of my brother and his friends, they're are dicks and don't deserve the time of day, let alone you affected so badly by them that you can't eat! Please Liz just eat it? I won't let you leave until you do!" I say sternly, looking her directly in the eye. After her breaking the stare down she looks at her sandwich and finally takes three large bites to finish it off. She then begins to chug her water down and stares at me as she just smiles proudly, almost as if she's waiting for an applause.

"Thank you! That wasn't that hard was it sweet cheeks!" I say winking jokingly at her as I say it.

"Ugh, you're starting to sound like Graye. If he calls me kitten one more time I swear to god-" Liz starts.

"You'll do what...kitten?" Says a low voice, I assume it is Zach and as I turn my assumptions are correct. He is standing at the far end of our table, smirking as his eyes flicker between both of our gazes.

"Can't you just leave me alone?! I have asked you so many times politely and you just can't be nice once can you?" Liz complains as she pushes herself out of her chair and runs out of the cafeteria.

"Liz wait! Wait! For fucks sake now look what you've done, I hope you're proud of yourself!" I spit at Zach as he looks confused but not a slight touch of concern crosses his face. I'm assuming he's not used to girls not falling down at his feet and begging him to love them. I begin sprinting after Liz, I know where she's gone, the hidden corner in the library. She won't be crying, but she will be trying to get away from everything. I burst through the door in the library, I get shushed instantly, I put my two hands together at my chest and nod my head in apology as I slowly jog to the corner. I can hear her harsh breathing and I turn the corner to find my best friend breaking down on the floor.

"Hey hey, come on come here it's okay. I've got you it's okay." I hush as I cradle her in my arms.

"I'm fine really, I just, I'd had enough by that point, they had pushed me and pushed me. Especially with my lack of sleep last night. Why do they constantly feel the need to ruin everything I do? And what for? Because I don't want to date any of the stupid pricks?! Surely it's not wonder that I don't want to when they treat me like this!" She says, in a hushed yell, I feel her whole body shudder yet she begins to calm down. I still hold her tightly and rock her back and forth, tears growing in my eyes. I hate seeing her like this, I have seen them push her to this state only twice, but even then it breaks me to see her crumble. She's my best friend, my sister and I've always loved her since the day we met, why does my brother insist on making her life hell?!

"Hey, Charlie...can we please get out of here? I can skip last period, it's only geography and the teacher isn't even in..." She whispers, I nod and I take her hand and lead her out of the library, out of the double doors of the school and into my car. I start the engine and drive her all the way back home, she hugs me before she opens the door, she waves and shuts it, saying that she will see me tomorrow. And I will be having words with my brother as soon as he gets back, this is the last time he does this to her, the last fucking time...

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