The Girl Who Found Out

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Zach Graye's POV:

I am dumbstruck. The remainders of the crowd that formed around Liz and I are beginning to scatter. Leaving me and Joe just sitting here, I'm by the lockers and I just watched all my friends except Joe run off with her as she sobbed into their arms.

"You should have told me man." Joe nudges me as he settles on the floor with me.

"Told you what?" I say monotonously.

"Told me about that." He whispers. I think he's scared to make a wrong move in case I explode in emotion.

"I should have told her." I say simply, it is my fault. I should have just told her what was going on but it didn't mean anything to me. Because it doesn't, no one could put a damned price on that kiss.

"Maybe, but now you just have to fix it." He states as if it's the easiest thing in the world.

"I think she may be already filing for a restraining order." I say miserably.

"What did she mean when she said she trusted you?" The dreaded question, the one thing I can't bare to think about.

"Nothing." I say as I stand and grab my bag, walking away I hear Joe pace after me. I don't turn back, I walk straight to the art studios and as I make a beeline I hear his footsteps falter. I turn around slightly and see him turning and walking the direction of where everyone else went.

I don't understand why I have all the blame? Surely it's their fault that they made the bet, I didn't ask for the money, I didn't plan for them to pay me or to even place a bet in the first place. But no, she won't listen to my arguments, she has no interest in what I have to say and all of my friends get off Scott free.

But she didn't tell them about her father Zach...
She didn't trust them like she did you...
She didn't kiss them Zach, she kissed you.

What have I done, jesus why didn't I just tell her? Why did I even go along with it in the first place?!

I groan and rub my face as I slump near one of the messily painted desks. I grab a roller and white paint and create a canvas upon the table. Rolling the white paint onto the wood and letting it dry allowed me to think over everything. That explains her ignoring me, it explains her not coming to school with me. It explains everything.

I grab a small paint brush and begin to just swirl it along the white. Just making blue patterns upon the table.

How could I be such a damned fool?

The patterns mix and start to create almost a blue sky with swooshes of cloud.

How can I fix what I've done?

I start to add green at the bottom, building up a mound of fields and hedges, trees lining the borders.

Can I fix it? I completely broke any trust she had with me.

I begin blending colours and gently adding little details and shading.

I could maybe talk to Charlie...

I drop the brush in realisation, finding a way to Liz without actually going to Liz...her best friend.


Charlie Moore's POV:

I offered to drive Liz back home, but she refused. We all sat in a circle after comforting her and the boys apologised, to a degree I've never seen. I even saw Joe sprint towards us and tackle Liz with apologies, we all apologised on Zach's behalf. Joe especially made sure she knew he was sorry, but she wouldn't accept it. Not because she didn't believe joe, but the fact that Zach couldn't come up to her himself was enough for Liz to be enraged fully.

"I don't know what to do." I mumble as Max and I are cuddled behind a tree. George left a while ago because mom wanted him to tidy the house, so I got away with spending the evening with Max in the park.

"Is there anything you can do?" He whispers into my hair.

"I could kill him." I offer, I feel him chuckle, his torso vibrating against my back.

"That's always an option, but let's try and think of something legal Chaz ok?" He kisses my cheek, I fill with warmth. Only he calls me Chaz and he only does it in private, it makes me feel special. So, so special.

"It's getting cold, can we go to the car?" I ask him, using my biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Yes but what exactly will we do in there?" He asks me, looking intensely into my eyes.

"Hmm...back" I string the sentence together slowly as he raises an eyebrow.

"Sounds good to me." He states as he pulls me up and we start walking hand in hand to my car.

His thumb draws circles of eight on my hand, his warmth is seeping through my skin sending tingles through my body. I see the car in sight as I hear someone call my name.

"Charlie! Wait up!" Both Max and I jump away from one another and turn around to see a black haired boy sprinting towards us.

"Hey Max, Charlie! Hey! You guys!" It's Zach, he's grinning a charmers smile. "Hey I was wondering if I cou-"

I cut him off as I walk up to him and slap him, his eyes widen in shock as a red mark begins to flush on his cheek. From behind me I see Max hold his hands in the air, suggesting he has nothing to do with it.

"That's for Liz, you utter moron!" I yell at him, I scold him for what he did.

"I know! I know okay, but I don't know how to fix it! Charlie that's why I wanted to talk to you please." He begs, his eyes glistening with what seems to almost be tears.

"Are you crying?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Crying? What? No. It's October the wind is drying out my eyes." He says, wiping under his eyes.

"God, bad boy Zach has a soul." I mumble to Max who snorts.

"Charlie please." He begs one last time.

"I'm busy right now, but I'll talk to you later Zach okay. Not right now." I say reluctantly, his eyes fill with hope as he thanks me and starts jogging away.

"HAVE FUN MAKING OUT GUYS!" He yells over his shoulder, causing me and max to split our sides with laughter.

He takes my hand once more and walks me to the car. We drive it out to an empty area and slid into the back seats.

"Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you?" He says jokingly.

"Very funny." I say as place myself on his lap.

"Seriously. I think I've been worrying about the wrong twin this whole time!" He says as he starts to twirl my hair in his hands.

"Oh trust me you have, I can be terrifying." I whisper into his ear as I straddle him and begin kissing down his neck.

"I can tell, I really can." He mumbles as he begins to make his way to my mouth with his own, lips colliding once more and we are both driven insane with each other's presence. His hands roaming my legs, going further and further upwards as my own travel between his hair and his chest.

We remain like this for as long as possible until it becomes dark outside, I insist we go back incase George loses his mind.

I drop Max off and start making my way to my own house, as I pull in and walk to the door I sort out my hair, putting it in a pony tail. I unlock the door and wonder into the kitchen to get some orange juice.

As I pour the juice into a glass I hear a gasp from behind me, as I turn and see George in front of me all I see is him point at my neck.

"What the hell is that and who the fuck gave it to you?!" George yells.

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