Chapter 2

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I had some difficulties with Chapter 2 so I had to reload it. Double Update. Warning: Not Proofread


Yoongi's POV

I found myself in the forest. I saw a couple. Wait that looks like me. And I saw a boy who was young. They were hugging each other. They are happy.

"Sir," I suddenly heard.

I suddenly woke up. And I saw Young-Jae said.

"Your highness. It's time to wake up," Young-Jae said.

I nod my head. I got ready in my black hanbok. As I walk down the hall, I saw Namjoon.

"Morning Namjoon."
"Morning Your highness," Namjoon said.
"How's your head."
"It's hurt a bit but I'll manage," he said.
"I see. You should see Seokjin before getting to work. Your father would want you to feel better before getting to work."
"Ah. Yes, I will go now," he said before bowing politely.

I saw Namjoon walk away. I walk to the den and sat down at my spot at the table. As we were served, I feel like I was being stared at and I was. I noticed that Jimin was staring. That's weird, he has been staring at me lately. I wonder why.

"Yoongi. I got someone to accept the proposal," Father said.
"Did you know who?"
"Yes, Oh Jae-Moo from the Ghost Tribe," he said.

Suddenly I heard a crash, I saw that the cup that was in Jimin's hand shattered.

"Jimin. Are you alright," Father said.
"I'm fine your majesty," Jimin said.
"But Jimin. Your hand. It's bleeding," Yoon-Ji said.

Jimin looks at his hand.

"So it is. Princess, please give me a moment and wrap my hand and I will make you another drink," Jimin said as he smiles and bow to Yoon-Ji before walking away at a fast pace.

That's odd. I wonder what's wrong with Jimin. Breakfast was over and I walk to Namjoon's office which seem fine.

"Feel better."
"Much better," Namjoon said.
"Is it okay if I ask you a question?"
"Sure," he said.
"The birthmark on Jimin's forehead. Do you know what they mean?"
"Well I have been going through the library and I found nothing about it but suddenly I found a story about the birthmark," Namjoon said.
"Really. Tell me the stories."
"Okay. There was once a boy who was born with a birthmark. The birthmark represents the red plumed cockscomb flower. The only one in his tribe born with this birthmark, the boy grew up full of beauty and grace but he had no family, no friends and he was treated differently in his tribe. He serves the palace of his tribe until he was shot and injured in the forest. A king save him and treated his wound. In return, the boy serves the king. In time, they fell in love. The kingdom found out about their love and was soon to be punished for it," he said.
"And what next."
"I don't know. A page was missing," he said.
"Well, that doesn't help at all."

The room was quiet.

"As I went to see Seokjin. And I saw," Namjoon said.
"Saw what."
"What he did. Minjae hurt Seokjin. He hit Seokjin, I know he did," he said.
"What do you mean."
"Seokjin eye was bruise. He tries to cover it but I could see right through it. Yoongi, I don't know what to do. Minjae is abusing Seokjin, he doesn't deserve this," he said.

I immediately stood up.

"Where are you going," Namjoon said.
"To see Minjae."
"No. Don't. If he finds that I know. He would hurt Seokjin even more," he said.
"Then what do you want me to do Namjoon. Huh. He is hurting the love of your life for Christ's sake. How would you feel if someone hurt your father? How would you feel if he does something worse than hit Seokjin? He will rape him if he had to."
"I'll kill him if he does," he said.
"Then you have to confess and I will give you 4 days if you don't in 4 days. I will tell him that you have been dreaming about Jin and you were calling his name during your sleep."
"Yoongi. You can't do that. That's not fair," he said.
"Then do it. I have to go now, I have trained with your father."
"Still training to be the future ruler of the Nine Heaven with my father," he said.
"Not only that. He must train me on my strength. I already pass the heavenly trial when I was 4,000 years old."
"Alright. You should go, I don't want to hold you up," he said.
"Okay and remember what I said."
"I know. Confess to Seokjin by Friday," he said.

I left the Namjoon office. As I walk down the hall, I felt my sense being weird. I look behind me and there was no one there.

'Is someone following me.'

I shook it off and continue to walk until I saw Namjoon's father in the courtyard waiting for me. I immediately bow.

"Hello, Mr. Kim."
"Hello, your highness, it seems like you have a visitor," Mr. Kim said.

Mr. Kim pointed and I look behind me and saw a few of the female servants staring at me as they giggled.

"Maybe they want to see us."
"I don't know. I'm not that fit like I used to be," Mr. Kim said.
"Don't worry. Let's get started."

After 4 hours of training, we become tired.

"You grow stronger Yoongi. You learn well," Mr. Kim said.
"Thank you. How about I'll offer you a drink."
"That sounds nice about now. Thank you, your highness," he said.

Before we could go to the den, a knight ran to me.

"Your highness. We have a problem," the knight said.
"What seems to be a problem."
"We found two of our men dead in the forest. One has his heart taken out and the other one still lives," he said.

I look at Mr. Kim.

"Bring this knight of you to the throne room. Mr. Kim gathers Ji-Hoon, Yoon-Ji, and Father. They may want to hear about this."
"Yes, your highness," the knight and Mr. Kim said.

I left the courtyard. Murder in the forest. That can't be. There hasn't been killing for 1,000,000 years ago. There couldn't be more foxes here. Could they.


A/N: What was wrong with Jimin. How weird. Chapter 3 is coming up soon. Until then. Annyeong. Mwah.

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