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Payton pov

Callie looked at me smirking like crazy. It annoys me how cocky she is. Like for real stop. It's annoying. I rolled my eyes and looked at my mom. She seems pretty happy that I brought someone home instead of me going to there house all the time but mom? There's a reason why I don't want them coming here. Mom looks at us then stands up.
"So? What's your crazy kids gonna do?" Mom ask us.
I looked over at Callie. She looking at my mom. Just a blank face.
"Nothing she about to leave. Ima go work on my school project." I said simply.
Callie turns right my way. Glaring hard at me. She shakes her head and turns back to my mom.
"Um? No. That's our project to work on. Like I said before. Sorry you don't gotta lazy partner." Callie snarled.
Mom laughed softly and looked at me. She walks towards me still laughing softly.
"You two have fun." She jokey winks.
Then she walks away. I rolled my eyes and started walking to my room. My mom knows I'm straight and will always know that cause I'm right. I'm straight and always will be. I turn to my heel and walked up to my room, not caring at all if she following me or not. All Callie doing is just making more annoyed then any other kid has ever done. I don't hear her coming from behind so I just shrug her off then walk into my room. 

I grab my laptop and all my notes to get started on the project. Then I lay them out. Okay this will be pretty easier. Just gotta write the paper then do the board. I can do this totally. As I was getting ready to start, I heard my phone ring then grab it. It's  text from Alex again. Ugh. 

Alex: Pay? Hi I miss you. Can we still talk soon? I wanna be with u...

I laughed at that. Sure he does, he wouldn't kiss that girl if he still wanted to be with me. I threw my phone on my bed softly then turned before I knew it I got pushed onto my bed. I screamed from fear then saw it was just Callie. I gave her  a dirty look. She laughed and smirked. Her normally Callie smirked. Annoying. 

"Funny!" She laughed. 

She kept laughing and laughing about it. I git up and sat on my chair ready to start and have her to leave my house so I'm all done with her for a while. I didn't even pull up a chair for her. I didn't want to. 

"Um are you ready?" I ask. 

She rolled her eyes then grab my extra chair then sat next to me. We started working on it and she finally was focus and did her work. She wasn't joking around or whatever I should or she should call it. 

"Why are you so up tight about everything?"  She ask. 

I shook my head at her, up tight? Really? I just shrugged her off and kept typing. Ya know what? I'm going to show her I'm not up tight. I smirked and looked at her. 

"Well I'm going to show you I ain't uptight."

SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I know I haven't updated in years. But I'm fr always busy soo yahhh. Ima try to update more but I say that a lot but we may never know lmao yah. Hope u guys are having a good dat atm.

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