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"Musician?" Makishima's eyes almost showed too much emotion for once, when he heard about Yukari's dream for the future.

"I thought it would be surprising even for you." She poked at her food before setting down the fork completely and gave a long sigh "I know that my decision is, indeed, 'too rash, too unadvised, too sudden. But my bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love, as deep;"

"The more I give to thee, the more I have." He recited one of their favorite lines along with her, amused at how she compares her love for music as Juliet's for Romeo.

"For both are infinite." Yukari smiled softly, looking at the dainty hands on her lap.

After a moment of silence, he asked her "Your father, he used to be a pianist right?"

"Yeah, he taught me how to play." She then looked down sadly "But they took him away, and mother too ..."

"I'm so sorry!" he reached for her hand and caressed it softly with his thumb "And I think Liszt would gladly kick his grave open to hear you play." And then he smiled, one that is so reassuring, it can fill a person with hope.

"Thank you!" and she smiled back, filled with gratitude, lacing her hand with his.

Dilemma of the Misfits (Makishima Shogo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now