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At times, it would be her turn to visit him. She always claims to have run out of books to read and shows up at his door unannounced with a smirk that matches his own. But this time was different, he has offered to pick her up after hearing about her recent distress.

"Shougo, I'm being followed." She said quietly through the phone, eyes tracing after the man standing just across the street from her apartment building, with a fearful exhale, she pulled the curtains close.

"I'll be right there." Putting on his jacket, Makishima dashed to his car and drove into the city.

Arriving at the café they were to meet at, he stepped out of the car, took a good look around before opening the door and went in. He saw her in her favorite seat, the couch near the window, eyes staring out as though looking for something. Making his way towards her, he gestured the waitress to bring them the usual, parfait and milk tea for her, sponge cake and black tea for him. Only when his footstep were coherent did Yukari tore her eyes from the street.

"I'm so glad you came!" she stood up and pulled him into a hug, balancing on tip-toes.

"How could I leave a troubled Yukari alone?" he hugged her back before they released and both sat down, facing each other "So what's the problem this time?" he asked in concern.

"Oh, you know the usual, the place I worked at haven't had any real customers lately, so they're starting to pay me less." She replied with a glassy voice and he knew the follower is around. Yukari dipped her finger into a glass of cold water and started writing on the wooden table.

'There's a recorder underneath the table.' She wrote. 'He knows I frequent here, he must've asked the staffs.'

'When did you notice him?' Makishima wrote back. Verbally, their conversation went on like any pair of friends'.

'About a few days ago, he was there on my way to work, grocery and only left me when I enter the apartment complex. He wears a black suit and sunglasses.'

'He could be one of the police, they might've suspected your connection with me.'

'How? They don't know it's you.'

'Still, they might have felt something off the last time you hid me.'

"Ooh I guess you're right!" Yukari said out loud with an exasperated sign, faking their verbal discussion.

'I think you should stay at my place for a while.' He proposed.

"Eh? Is that possible? Won't I just bother you?"

"You're never a bother to me, Yuka-chan!" he replied with a fake cheery voice for the recorder.

After the brief meeting, Makishima dropped the girl outside her block and waited as she collected her stuff. As expected, the follower was still there, on the opposite sidewalk. He narrowed his eyes in disgust. A while later, Yukari ran down carrying a big suitcase that contains all she may need for at least a few weeks. He threw the trunk into the backseat and opened the front door for her. He entered the car and started driving off with insane speed, cutting off the confused follower.

"Well I thought that was gonna be harder." Looking back, Yukari was surprised to see they've lost him.

"You expected anything less from me, Yukari?"

"I guess you're right, I am riding with a wanted criminal after all." Leaning back in her seat, she pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on as they headed out of the city, toward his 'secret hideout'.

Dilemma of the Misfits (Makishima Shogo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now