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"You finished?" he asked gently, holding out the tray right in front of her face. His voice laced a little bit with anger which he tried to keep undetected.

Her hand reached up to touch the tray before she placed the empty bowl of soup on it "Thank you!" she said softly, almost hesitantly, as though she's afraid every single one of her action can cause his outburst. She knows fully well how Shogo gets when he's angry, she definitely doesn't want to be on the receiving end of it.

He carried her tray towards the door and once again about to leave her in silence. He's been like this all week. Their only conversation were short, snappy and laced with contained emotions none of them dared express. He only asked her check-up questions, little updates from the physicians. His actions have been caring as always but she was no fool, she knew he was mad at her.

She brought her hands to the bandages wrapping around her eyes, tracing the shape of her eyeballs "Shogo ... am I ...?" she hesitated, he's been keeping it away from her so she doesn't know if this is the right thing to do "Am I blind?"

He stopped dead at the door as suffocating silence filled the room, she was waiting for an answer, patiently. She knows he hasn't left, she knows he's standing there, shifting from one foot to another and it annoys him.

"Since when did you know?" he finally spoke, turning towards her, his eyes filled with grief.

"When I open my eyes, I only see darkness. A person knows their body better than anyone else after all." She pulled the covers closer to her chest, he can see her trembling visibly "So I've truly turned into livestock, huh? Shogo, I just wanted to liberate you from a nuisance like me. Please forgive me for my failed attempt! Please forgive me!" tears were pouring out of her eyes again, seeping through the bandages.

"Enough!" he yelled, dropping the tray to the ground, he too was trembling "How dare you say that? How dare you ever think that you were ever a nuisance to me? How much more do you want me to do before you finally see how much I love you? How many times do you want me to prove my dependence on you? How could you even think of taking your life without batting an eye towards how I would feel?" he stormed towards the bed and grabbed her face, pulling it up to his.

"Because I AM TRASH, Shogo! I am worthless, useless, purposeless piece of trash!" clutching his hand, she shouted into his face, her outburst left him startled and he let go of her face "I have let them track me down, I have let them tame me. Even though you have been nothing but kind to me, I could not find my old-self, I have lost my soul, my will, my passion. I am your disappointment, I am everything you despise, I am a doll that cannot live. Shogo, tell me nothing else because I know."

He was quiet, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. His heart just kept constricting, blocking all of his airways.

"So please, toss me away. Like you always do when your toys no longer function the way you want, when they turn on you, when they lose their quirk. Toss me away while I still have some dignity left in me, I cannot live like a parasite, not on you." She circled her arms around her shoulders and trembled violently, choking from her own sobs.

"Then live as my savior." He spoke softly, breaking her sob, he climbed onto the bed, pulling her arms away "Live as my aspiration like you always have. Live as the light of reasons in my head. Live as the core of my existence." He planted a kiss onto her neck and trailed it up to her ears, continuing his sweet whispers "Live for me, live for my selfish needs." Straddling her on the bed, he held her hand up tenderly, giving her palm a sweet kiss. "Yukari, I love you! I love you so, so much!" he exclaimed with voice on the verge of breaking, glistening tears spilling out of his eyes.    

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