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After telling my dad I no longer needed a lift, Caleb and I drove off to the venue. Once we got there, Caleb took my hand and we walked into the hall- soft music and waiters carrying trays of posh snack foods and tall glasses of champagne. I recognised a lot of people from high school and Sean's relatives I'd met whilst we were together. There really wasn't anybody I didn't know- apart from all Bridget's family and a couple of other people who I assumed were new friends, work colleagues of friends of his parents.

"You okay?" Caleb asked, gently squeezing my hand.

I looked up at him and nodded "I think we should find my dad, tell him we made it."

We continued walking around looking for my dad as we were stopped by a familiar woman.

"Mrs Ackard." I smiled politely at Sean's mum "Its so good to see you."

"Hanna- I didn't expect to see you here." she said "The last time I heard you were travelling."

"Well I live in new York now." I then remembered Caleb stood beside me "Sorry, um this is my boyfriend, Caleb. Caleb this is Sean's mum- Gloria."

"Pleasure." Caleb put out his hand and she shook it.

"I must tell Sean your here. He'll love to see you." she explained.

I took a sharp breath "Yes. I'm sure."

"It was really lovely seeing you Hanna." Gloria grinned "Sometimes I miss you being around."

"Yes. Well it was 4 years ago almost." I said "and everything turned out. Sean's engaged."

"I guess." she shrugged "now I need to find my son."

She walked off and Caleb moved to face me "Looks like she prefers you to Bridget."

I rolled my eyes "only because I was a sensible proper girl with nice parents."

I spotted my dad over Caleb's shoulder "I see my dad lets go."

"I'll catch up, I'm gonna grab us a drink." Caleb offered.

"Please be quick. This room of people gives me the chills." I begged.

"2 minutes." he leaned down and kissed my temple before walking away, I made it to my dad.

"Hey dad."

"Oh hi." he paused "Where's Caleb?"

"He went to get us a drink." I said, looking around to see if he was near. He wasn't.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

I nodded. If I spoke, that would be an even bigger lie.

"Have you seen Sean?" he asked, sipping his champagne.

"No." I shook my head "I've just been speaking to Gloria."

"Ah okay, I need to go speak to Pete. He's a new client." he walked off and left before I could ask who Pete was.

I wasn't alone for long "Hanna Marin!"

I spun around "Oh. Hi Sean."

"I didn't think you'd make it." he said, pulling me into a hug. 

I quickly pulled away "Well I was in town."

"I'm glad." he paused "I didn't know if this would be awkward."


"You know my first love being at my engagement party." he said, like it was obvious.

"Well, I'd hardly say we were ever that serious." I muttered, desperately wanting Caleb to come back.

"Well." he looked down and read my necklace which still always hung from my neck "Who's the lucky guy?"

"Oh I'm still with-"

"Me." Caleb glared at him before smiling at me "Your drink babe."

I took it "thank you."

"Oh, we met before didn't we?" Sean said, remembering the day after me and Caleb got together when he showed up at my door.

"Yes." Caleb said before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I didn't expect you to still be together." Sean shrugged "Hanna never knew how to make her men happy."

Caleb's eyes filled with rage, but I wanted to defend myself "excuse me. How dare you say that about me! I love Caleb, and unlike you, I'm more important to him then his hair."

"I see I've pushed a nerve." he said "You can leave."

"No." I spat "I'm leaving 'cause I want too. not because you said.

I placed my glass on a table and ran off, dragging Caleb with me. Once we reached the car, I started to cry "I wanted to stay to make my dad happy but he's such a jerk!"

"I know." he comforted "None of that's true." 

I took a deep breath "it was just so uncalled for. I went to be civil and nice and he had to throw it all back in my face."

"Do you  want me to go tell your dad we're leaving?" he asked.

I shook my head, wiping my eyes "I'll text him."

Caleb smiled weakly at me, before pulling me into a much needed hug. I buried my head in his chest and sniffled.

"You can cry Han. Don't worry." he whispered "I love you and you make me the happiest I've ever been in my life." he kissed the top of my head "Lets go back to your mums."

"I wanna go home." I said, pulling away "to our little apartment."

He tilted his head "We're both tired. Why don't we go get some dinner at the brew, and then we can go back to your mums."

I smiled "I am hungry."

"Then let's go eat."

"How come you always make me feel better?" I asked.

"Because when you smile, it makes me smile."


Idk about this chapter but back to NYC next chapter.

The once mystery roommate #2 - HalebWhere stories live. Discover now