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I'm done. Are you outside? X

My phone chimed yeah. Got a treat ;) X

I had just had my second job interview of the week, and Caleb was waiting outside for me as it was his day off. It was for a smaller fashion industry, but it was good pay and a good opportunity. I felt confident that I could have the job.

"Hey." I smiled, spotting Caleb across the street, carefully crossing to greet him.

"How was it?" He asked pecking my lips.

"I think it went-" I stopped, spotting the item in his hand "babe."

"Suprise." He handed me a hotdog.

"Really?" I smiled laughing "thank you."

"I was bored so I walked round a bit and I thought this hotdog stand looked nice." He shrugged "and I know how much you love being surprised with food."

I grinned "Do you want to go straight home?"

"I don't mind, we can go out for dinner tonight - now seriously how was it?" He asked again, taking my right hand and we started walking whilst enjoying our food.

"I think it went well actually." I explained "I don't want to sound over confident but I don't know I just feel like it went well."

"Well hopefully you get it." He said.

"Hopefully." I bit my lip "they said they'd call."

"hey, don't worry." He comforted "If you don't get it, you try again."


"They still haven't phoned." I mumbled to myself that evening, checking my phone "why haven't they phoned?"

I sighed. I tried so hard and I was so sure I had a good chance, but now I wasn't so sure.

"What's wrong?" Caleb asked, entering the main room "you okay?"

"No." I frowned "They...do you think I won't get it because I don't have any examples of my designs."

I'd trashed them all the night I lost my place with Claudia.

Caleb stuttered "I'm sorry- that's my fault."

"It isn't." I assured him "I was upset but that doesn't explain why I was so stupid to ruin them all."

"Did you explain why you didn't have any?" He asked.

"God no." I shook my head "I just told them I didn't have them with me- which probably makes me look more stupid! Who doesn't bring their designs to a designers interview?"

"Why don't you get comfy and then do some designs? If worst comes to worst then for the next interview you have some."

"Yeah." I nodded "do you mind? We were going to go get dinner-"

He interrupted me "I'll go pick up some Chinese food for us. Then I'll just sit like a good boyfriend and let you sketch your big beautiful heart out."

"Fiancé." I said "a good fiancé."


"Babe- does this look okay?" I asked, 2 hours later. Caleb hadn't lied. He'd bought food, and then sat behind me on the sofa as I designed on the floor on his phone. Awnsering my questions and encouraging me when I got frustrated. Once I'd finished a design, I started to doodle in the back of my sketch book baby grows. What Claudia had said about opening a family range had stuck in my head.

"What is that?" Caleb asked, peering over my shoulder.

"What's what?" I said causally flipping back to my original page.

"What you were just doing."

"Oh that." I said, playing dumb "Claudia just said something when she first got here saying I should design for kids and families as well as young females."

"Are you thinking about it?" He said, moving next to me.

"I don't know, I mean I could always do more than one category. And I really enjoy designing for kids." I paused "but I know that isn't exactly New York fashion designer material."

"Just because it's not fancy cat walk stuff, doesn't mean it isn't a good design." He explained.

"I know, I just don't see it going anywhere." I muttered.

"Han, a family brand would be so popular, a new modern twist on children clothing as well as your original female sketches is a good idea."

"I...Do you really think I could get some where designing a random mix of stuff?" I said, tapping my pen.

"It's different Han. Some people just need one shop which is a variety for everyone."

"You know, you seem to know what your talking about when it comes to the fashion industry." I smirked.

He rolled his eyes "I did business."

"And you failed it."

"Well obviously not that bad." He chuckled "you seem convinced with my idea."

"That's what I want."


"When I'm a solo designer, I want my own family clothing store in rosewood." I smiled.

"Wow." He kissed me lovingly "I guess I'm really helpful."

"What would I do without you?"

"I don't know sweet."

Short and I don't know about this but I needed to update. 

The once mystery roommate #2 - HalebWhere stories live. Discover now