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I realised I caused several heart attacks with my last update, so I'm writing this a couple of hours after, hope you enjoy!


I woke up with one of the worst headaches ever. I was hungover- bad. I sighed, remembering my argument with Hanna, and then it hit me. I was still in my shirt from last night. I shot up. I stormed out, I was in Kara's bed, the one I'd helped her make.  

"morning." Kara walked in wearing a robe smiling "how did you sleep."

"No. No. No." I jumped out the bed, stepping on an item of clothing- my suit trousers. I pulled them on, and picked up my belt "I've got to go."

I ran past her, before she could say another word.

Guilt washed over me, as I reached the corridor outside her apartment. Did I sleep with her? Heck, I couldn't remember a thing. Surely I wouldn't have been dressed if I had? Who knows...I was drunk. I pulled my phone out, realising I had 14 missed calls from Hanna. Hanna. My girlfriend who I loved.


The door unlocked, startling me at 7am. I had only really got 3 hours sleep, but the thought that Caleb was back, made me jump out of bed, I rushed into the main room, he was stood there. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Yes, I'd noticed how his belt was in his hands, his hair scruffy and top few buttons undone, but I pushed it aside, glad he was safe.

"Where were you?" I pulled away, and a wash of guilt crossed his face, I bit my lip "Caleb, where were you?"

He ran a hand through his hair,  before settling on the back of his neck "I don't know where I went, all I know is I got really drunk and I ended up with Kara."

"You...you what?" my heart sunk, and tears swelled up in my eyes, as I searched for his, he refused to make eye contact "you slept with her?"

"I don't know." he said, obviously confused.

"You don't know  whether you cheated on me." I croaked "you-you-you-liar."

"Hanna, I swear to you I wouldn't hurt you intentionally, if it happened...I was drunk, I wouldn't do that to you, not sober, hopefully not ever." he stuttered.

"Get out." I said bluntly "now."


I interrupted him, tears falling "don't you dare  call me that. You have no right."

"I was stupid." he reached for my arm, but I hit it away.

"I said get out." I screamed "go to Kara, I don't want to see you ever again."

"I don't want to be with Kara, I want to be with you." he begged.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before sleeping with her."

"I don't know If I did-"

"Then why don't you find out." I whispered.

"Han, please."

"Don't call me that either, only the people I love and trust call me that."


I was sat on a park bench, thinking, trying to remember anything from last night...anything at all. All I remember, is going to a shop that I couldn't remember, going to a pub, and then waking up in Kara's bed.

My phone rang and I prayed for it to be Hanna, but it wasn't- Kara appeared on my screen. I hung up, and finally opened Hanna's voice mails from yesterday. 

The once mystery roommate #2 - HalebWhere stories live. Discover now