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Stress was an understatement for how I felt right now. With work, bills and my own life to juggle, I couldn't help but feel trapped. Tonight though, one of the most important moments in my career yet was going to happen. I had heard around, that every so often Claudia goes round each of her designers home, and has dinner, and discusses all things fashion. Whoever didn't impress her, she dropped from her designing team all the way to coffee girl, that happens to be tonight.

"I still think it's harsh." Caleb objected, helping her lay the table "She's going to base your designs, on how tender your beef is?" 

"Not the food Caleb, the conversation." I explained "my confidence, my manner, my outfit, I just need to look and sound professional."

He sighed, not understanding, and I agreed, it was pretty harsh.

I smiled softly at him "thank you- for being here."

"Of course." he paused "I think you have potential, so whatever happens tonight, I love you."

"I love you too." the door went and my heart stopped "can you check on the beef?"

He nodded, quickly pecking my lips "good luck."

I took a deep breath and opened the door, just as Caleb entered the kitchen.

"Claudia...Hi." I said, trying my best not to sound nervous, but it was hard not to be. I'd been a designer for her for just over a month, she has men and women there who've probably worked for her longer then I've been alive. 

"Hanna-" she stopped "may I come in?"

"Oh gosh, sorry....yes." I moved aside letting her step into the small apartment.

"I love the design in here, very homely." she smiled, for probably the first time since I met her. 

"Thank you."

"Have you ever thought about designing for a family range?" she asked

I poured her a drink, and handed it to her "I can't say I have."

"Well maybe that's something to look into." 

Suddenly, Caleb walked in, and put out his hand to greet Claudia "Hi. I'm Caleb, Hanna's boyfriend. It's lovely to have you in our home."

Claudia shook his hand "Pleasure, what do you do Caleb?"

"I'm in tech repairs, but I wont bore you with that, let's sit and eat, tonight is about Hanna."

I smiled warmly at him. Maybe tonight wouldn't be that bad.


"This beef is lovely." Claudia complemented.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"at least you know if I fire you, you can go into home design or become a chef." she said, as if it wasn't offensive at all.

Caleb raised his eyebrows and was about to say something, but I interrupted, laughing "yes."

"Did you design that dress?"

I smiled proudly "yes, I designed and made it- recently actually."

"I don't like it." she shook her head "it doesn't go with your body shape."

My smile faded "I'm just going to check on desert."

I left the room, checked the cake, then went to the bathroom, to re-apply my smudged mascara. 


The second Hanna left, Claudia stood up "I should get going."

"You've been here half an hour, what about desert?" I said.

The once mystery roommate #2 - HalebWhere stories live. Discover now