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PLL is overrrrr. I didn't love the finale, nor did I hate it, I thought it was good and the acting was amazing. I wish instead of the last scene with them new girls- which I'm gonna pretend never happened- was another small jump, so we could see Hanna and Caleb with their baby which would be so adorable, but I guess the way they left it, it's open for us to imagine the rest of their lives- or write it. I'm going to miss pll so much!


Within minutes, the front door slammed open and then closed, Caleb appeared in the living room, where I was stood, waiting, now dressed in a black skirt and baby blue top.

"I got your text. What's wrong?" he asked.

"Just the fact that your new buddy just threatened me." I said angrily, crossing my arms.

"She went to get a package from the lobby-"

I interrupted him "Well she made a pit stop!"

He sighed running a hand through his brown scruffy hair "what did she say?"

"Oh you know, just normal neighbourly things, like how your boyfriend will get bored of you and go crawling back to her." I rolled my eyes.


"Do you know what's funny?" I said loudly "This is the second time this weekend somebody has said you'd get bored of me- the second! It's getting rather old."

"Look, you know none of that is true." he finally managed to say.

"But, you're still gonna go help make her bed yeah?" I said softly.

He bit his lip "I don't know."

"She hurt me!" I yelled "If some guy I used to date lived a floor away and then admitted he loved me, it would be completely different."


"How is it different?" I gasped.

"Well, I don't know." he muttered "Sweet , I'm not gonna get bored of you."

"Well maybe I'm bored of you." I argued.

"Your just upset."

"Yes Caleb I am god damn upset. I'm bored of being your second priority to her." I sighed, tears welling up in my blue eyes "I'm fed up."

"I wont talk to her again okay? I'll tell her to leave me alone- us alone." he begged.

I shook my head "no because then I'm the bitch."

"Well what do you want?"

"What do you want?" I repeated.

"I want you to stop getting upset." he paused "and to follow me."

He leaned forward and grabbed my hand, dragging me forcefully out of the apartment, until we reached Kara's. He barged in, she was sat on her couch, in only a purple bra and yoga pants "Oh Caleb I was waiting for you to get back-" she finally looked about, noticing me too "What is she doing here?"

"She is my girlfriend, and she has a name." Caleb argued.


He interrupted her "No, this is stupid. I love Hanna, nothing was ever going to happen, so I suggest you put your top on."

"So you choose her, over me." she laughed "I always thought you were smarter than that Caleb."

"I'll always choose Hanna and there isn't a cell in my body, that would make me cheat on her- ever."

I smiled weakly as he fought for me.

"Your making a mistake."

"No, I made a mistake ever talking to you." he turned to leave, taking me with him. He reached back to our apartment, and Caleb sat down on the couch, placing his head in his hands "I'm sorry if I hurt you, when I took your hand."

"It's okay." I croaked "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Being jealous...I had no right to be." I stuttered.

"You had every right  in the world to be jealous. And I should have realised sooner." he admitted "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered, sitting down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder as he looked up finally.

"You know what we should do?" he paused "go to that new nightclub."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because- I think we need to both chill, and spend some time together."

"In a nightclub surrounded by drunk people?" I laughed.

"Well we can be drunk people too, so we fit in." he smirked.

I smiled "okay."

It was funny how quickly everything went back to normal with Caleb and I. Like our earlier fight no longer existed.


"Do I look okay?" I asked, as he entered the bedroom, as I applied my red lipstick. I was wearing a tight black dress, which was low cut and only just covered the top of my thigh. I had strappy red heels, and my hair framed my face.

He bit his lip, and I watched his reaction through the mirror "turn around."

I did, his eyes wandered my curves, landing on my cleavage for longer, and then meeting my eyes "I think we should stay in."

"We're going out." I laughed "You suggested it."

"Well now-" he walked over, wrapping my arms around my waist, his hands reaching my butt "-I really want to stay here."

"No." I shook my head "We're going to get wasted."



Hanna was drunk, not bad, just overly happy. I had tried to stay sober, in case , and had a couple of beers.

"I want more cocktails- man friend." she was sat on my lap, giggling to herself as I held her tight.

"Man friend?"

"Yes. Your like my boyfriend- but your a man now. Man friend." she giggled.

"I think you've had enough babe." I laughed.

She hovered her lips over mine "please."

I stole a kiss "one more okay?"

"Okay man friend." she mumbled.

I lifted her off my lap "wait here. Don't move."

"Okay man friend." she repeated.

I made my way to the bar, through the crowd of dancers, once I got to the bar, I glanced over to Hanna, who was sat, looking at the empty glass in her hand, as if more alcohol would magically appear, I chuckled lightly, before ordering her one last cocktail, and one more beer for myself, before heading back.

"Yay." she slurred, taking the drink from my hand.

"Babe, your gonna be so hungover at work tomorrow, so that's your last one until we leave."

"Oh work." she moaned, sitting back on my lap "work can die."

"Claudia will grow on you eventually."


"She will."

After about half an hour, I finally persuaded Hanna to leave, as we were walking back to the car, my arm wrapped securely around her, she stopped, moving in front of me, she started laughing "can I tell you a secret?"

That moment hit me, taking me back to the night she confessed she was falling for me "What is it sweet?"

"When we were in paris..." she trailed off, laughing again.

"Yes?" I chuckled. Paris was almost a year ago.

She leaned forward, whispering into my ear "I thought I was pregnant."

My heart stopped.


Soooo....Hanna kept a pregnancy scare from Caleb....

This chapter was all over the place ugh but I've been busy with end of year assessments etc. and been writing it over a period of time, which is also why it's late

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